Not only for the electric bikes with a battery and Motor around the Double of “man-powered” bikes on the scale, the basement stairs leading to the Problem. The popular compact model with the smaller wheels do on the few steep steps is particularly difficult, regardless of whether it goes up or down. The car garage is also in basement. There is a possibility to introduce, here, a Bicycle garage. Who has space for it and the wherewithal to find this cue is very solid offers.

a first example: Storemax 190 of Biohort (1,90 × 0,97 × 1.36 meters) for 1500 Euro without mounting. The side walls and the floor are made of galvanised and painted sheet steel, the two-piece, rain-proof and lockable roll, as well as Profiles made of coated Aluminium. Three 120-Liter garbage cans fit side by side. And how many bicycles? A maximum of two and a children’s cog. Even if the promotional image of the Austrian provider makes the thing look three are difficult, and pedal-powered family carriages with mounted child seat and shopping bags in the front and in the back we don’t want to talk in the first place.

is that all the expensive bikes: A Box like the Storemax or a four or five square meters of 1.45 metres high, uplifting bread box not dissimilar Bicycle garage of strings (depending on the version, between about 2000 and about 3000 Euro) could in our case, neither in front of the house in the back garden. Remeasure showed the pole at the hardware store: The device houses made of wood usually have Interior and door dimensions, in harmony with the bulkiness of bicycles bad. And since it’s not went to the village primary safety, there was, as a way out: a tent on the house wall.

With the thought “If it holds a summer long, it is enough” was about 70 Euro a simple cross-bow tent (fiberglass rod) with dimensions of 2.00 × 0.80 in ×1.60 meters from China, sold under the name “Rolektro RL-01”, a provider of electric scooters, purchased. Today, after about two years, would any of the different hot end, similar and 20 Euro cheaper tender. Especially would ends paid attention to the experience that the long zipper a weak point – at the bottom, but the top, so you worked on the front into the plane of the wheels and, in addition, the need to push. In less than ten minutes for a permanently constructed tent that could travel with its handy pack size but also on the campsite, has neatly defied washed-out a number of heavy rain and winter storms, including the one that killed next-door the wooden fence.

It can withstand the snow load of a mild Winter and keeps two full-grown, with Luggage, bags, bicycles are covered largely dry. That is to say: By persistent heavy rain for several days running in the course of less than a Cup of water along the rods to the ground. And A dripping wet in a tent parked Bicycle does not dry as in a closed room, but stays wet. Are secured the wheels to a ground anchor, which was conducted by a in the bottom of the cut slot.