The world is experiencing rapid digitalization. Technology has changed how we interact with each other and how we perceive the world. As more of our routine transactions and interactions shift online, we become increasingly vulnerable to online security threats. These attacks are happening on a global scale and are not limited to specific sectors. From the healthcare sector to the financial industry, everyone is a victim. That is not all; the frequency of these attacks will continue to grow in the future as digitalization continues.

Therefore, businesses of today are in dire need of cyber security professionals. Indeed, companies are paying top dollar to recruit experts for their cyber security teams. Are you keen to know more? Then here are ten reasons why you should get a degree in cyber security:

  1. You can make your way:

As this sector is comparatively new in the field of formal education, there are no traditional roadmaps to success. You can build your path on your terms. While a cyber security online degree can help you with vertical growth, people with IT degrees can also become online security experts. Indeed most of the people currently employed in this sector have a foundation in IT with cyber security certifications and experience. However, remember that this is an evolving sector. So, you might need to get up-to-date certifications.

  1. The pay scale is excellent:

Cyber security professionals earn a lot of money. And we mean A LOT! Competent and skilled professionals are scarce in the field. So, companies are willing to pay a 9% premium to security analyst recruits than those in other IT jobs. The average salary of an entry-level analyst in the sector is $90,450 per year. A Chief Information Security Officer can expect to earn a whopping $380,000 per year. And the best part is that demand will continue to rise, increasing the total remuneration in the years to come.

 That brings us to our next point.

  1. Demand for Cyber Security Officers will grow:

New tech is making the world more connected, and it will continue to do so. From driverless cars to virtual assistants, we will see more robust integration in our daily lives in the future. And as this tech develops, cybercrimes will become more prevalent and complex. And where there is a risk of a data breach, there is always a need for a cyber security expert. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for cyber security specialists will grow to 28% by 2026. That means more jobs to keep customer data safe.

  1. There are many specialties:

Previously, IT departments were in charge of everything related to technology within a company. They would solve your connectivity issues and defend your devices from possible virus attacks. However, currently, there are many tech experts with specialization in different areas. Furthermore, the roles and responsibilities of a security analyst are evolving and developing in time. Today, a security analyst can have the pick of the lot. They can choose to work in healthcare, forensics, compliance, or management. So, you need not worry about getting pigeonholed in one sector or job.

  1. There is a lot of job security:

Companies are sensitive when it comes to securing vital databases of customer and company information. This is good news for you since most of the firms will be unwilling to outsource this role. There is a high chance that once a company hires you, they will keep you on board for as long as they can. So you don’t have to worry about getting booted.

  1. You get to defeat the bad guys:

This job is the perfect fit for those who have a ‘hero’ complex. A security analyst has to prevent digital attacks from hackers and cybercriminals – the villains of the digital realm. And the best thing is that they do so without throwing themselves in life-threatening situations. However, do not expect your work to play out like a Hollywood movie; that stuff is far from reality. While there might be some exciting moments in your job, most of your time will be spent monitoring security protocols. No one’s stopping you from dressing up all fancy for that, though!

  1. You will be working with cutting edge tech:

Security analysts work with the latest technology to prevent and reduce cyber attacks. They use AI to detect threats without human intervention automatically. So, with a degree in cyber security in hand, you will get to know about the latest cyber attack preventive tech in the market. If you’re into all sorts of tech and geeky things, a career in cyber security is your calling.

  1. You can work from anywhere in the world:

If you’re big on working remotely, you’re in for some more good news. Geographical boundaries do not restrict jobs in cyber security. Cybercriminals can victimize anyone at any time. Therefore you can be living in Sydney and working for a company based in North America. The world is your office. All you need is a reliable Wi-Fi system, up-to-date tech, and you are good to go.


Nowadays, there is a lot of demand for cyber security experts. But most companies are looking for executives with the right mix of education and experience. Since the job is ever-evolving, it requires teams with a diverse skill set, education, and experience. Hence, in your pursuit of becoming a trained cyber security expert, choose a program that fulfills all three requirements. After you equip yourself with the necessary skills, you are looking at nothing but a bright and lucrative future ahead.