‘Cheems’, one of the most famous dogs in the world of social networks for starring in a viral meme, has passed away.

“Ball Ball fell asleep on August 18. He died on Friday morning during his last thoracentesis operation. At first, we wanted to organize chemotherapy or other possible treatment for him after this operation, but it is too late,” they explained. its owners through a post on Instagram, where it accumulates more than 700,000 followers.

In addition, they have asked their fans not to be sad and to remember “the fun that Balltze (as he was also known) brought to the world. A Shiba Inu with a round and smiling face that has connected us. He helped many people during the pandemic and brought fun to many of you, but now his mission has been completed.”

“I think he is now running free in the sky and eating delicious food with his new friends. He will always be inside my heart. I hope he continues to bring joy to each of you on the internet. It is my humble request,” the message ended. release.