When Elon Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter in April 2022, one of the support he found was that of the founder of the social network himself, Jack Dorsey. “Musk is the only solution I trust,” he came to tweet from his Twitter account.

But a year peppered with scandals and controversial decisions at the head of the company have ended up drastically changing Dorsey’s opinion. “I don’t think he acted correctly and the shareholders’ meeting should never have sold him the company. Everything has gone wrong,” he lamented this weekend.

The founder added that the best thing would have been for Musk to pay the billion dollars in compensation that both parties had agreed to in case one of them decided to abandon the purchase process, although several legal experts say that Musk would not have been able to choose that outcome. due to other clauses present in the initial offer.

The truth is that Dorsey’s animosity towards Musk has grown with each decision that the tycoon has taken at the head of the company since last October, such as the decision to turn verification into a brand to distinguish those who pay for the Twitter Blue service or comment moderation policies that seem to contradict his initial stance in favor of absolute freedom of expression.

Dorsey, in fact, has not tweeted since last January, and has created an alternative social network, Bluesky, which is based on a decentralized infrastructure to avoid, as he himself has pointed out, economic pressures or the decisions of rebellious shareholders that led to Twitter to your current situation.

Dorsey founded Twitter in 2007 together with Noah Glass, Evan Williams and Biz Stone and was the company’s CEO until 2008. In 2015, when Twitter was already listed on the stock market, he became CEO again but in 2021 he left the company for differences with the members of the board of directors.

Despite his take on Musk’s management, Dorsey acknowledges that Twitter’s options were slim. “It would not have survived as an independent listed company,” he said. In the past, the founder has also been critical of some decisions that he himself made at the head of the company, such as his hiring policy, which unnecessarily multiplied the company’s staff in a few years and created several redundant strategies and teams. “I tried to grow everything too fast,” he acknowledged.

Since the Twitter comparison last October, in fact, Musk has fired almost 80% of workers. Musk has also tried to reduce the weight of advertising on Twitter accounts by creating new subscription services for individual users and businesses and charging third-party developers for API access. Last week he also announced that he is working on a system that allows news outlets to charge for access to single articles as a supplement to readers’ subscriptions.

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