Anyone who had an active Facebook account in the United States between May 2007 and December 2022 can request part of the $725 million compensation that Meta agreed to pay to resolve the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Facebook’s parent company agreed to that amount in December to settle a class action lawsuit accusing the social networking giant of allowing third parties, including Cambridge Analytica, access to users’ personal information.

The settlement ended a lawsuit sparked by revelations in 2018 that Facebook had misled its users about its privacy policies and enabled Cambridge Analytica, a British political consultancy that had worked on Donald Trump’s campaign, to knew the data of up to 87 million users.

Now these users have the right to request part of that money with a form that is already available and that they have to submit before August 25. It can be filled out online or sent by mail.

Applicants are required to provide some personal details and Facebook account information. It is not yet clear either the amount of the compensation or when it will be paid, although it seems that it will depend on the time the account was active between May 2007 and December 2022.

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