Green hydrogen is desirable, and how almost everything is sought after, it is a scarce commodity. Only one percent of the globally produced hydrogen is green, is produced with the aid of CO2-free energies. The greatest Potential to change this lack of something that is on the sea. A project brought Siemens, Gamesa and Siemens Energy are now on the way. Together they want to develop a system in which an electrolyzer directly in an Offshore wind power plant is integrated. The manufacturing price for green hydrogen, such a technique could, in the future, melting, are the company safe. Wind energy could so that you can store and transport it, regardless of the current network, which has been struggling with enough variations to.

Anna-Lena Niemann

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The initial investment for such an endeavor is no small feat, 120 million euros will flow into the project in the next five years. At the end of this period, two demonstration facilities should be available with a 14-Megawatt Turbine and a 10-Megawatt electrolyzer.

The technical responsibility for parts of the company. Siemens, Gamesa contributes its wind power expertise with its Offshore Turbine SG14-222 DD, you want to adjust for the Wind-hydrogen plant, in order to reduce electrical losses to a Minimum. The Turbine, which with their rated power of 14 megawatts, the most powerful on the market, however, is still in project status. “On the development side, we will soon begin with the physical construction of the prototype,” said a spokesman for the Siemens team. “The components are ordered, and all the preparations.” The date for the Installation is for the fall of 2021 in the calendar.