Not everything that you will be happy in advance of a trip, stops at the end of what had promised to guide, Instagram and Google. The holiday home search engine “Holidu” has therefore taken popular attractions in the whole of Europe under the microscope and shows what you can make better a large arch, what should you consider and what the Alternatives are even more exciting than the famous Tourist magnets.

1. St. mark’s square, Venice, Italy

if you like crowds, and no Problem, less than ten Euro for an Espresso, you will feel right at home on the St. mark’s square in Venice, probably. Of course, the spacious square with the Doge’s Palace, the clock tower and St. mark’s Basilica is beautiful to look at, but it attracts the masses. Leisurely Stroll, or even in the Café on the square sitting is, therefore, often only with a long time, and in the company of thousands of other tourists waiting possible.

Our tip: you travel outside the high season from April to October to Venice, and you come early in the morning to the famous St. mark’s square. Then it is usually still relatively quiet and you need to. the place with just a few parts

2. Westminster Abbey, London, UK

Who is mainly on Photography and his Instagram Feed with London-photos to decorate the Westminster Abbey is seen in front of the door, the first disillusionment. For photos of the Church are allowed only from the outside. In the Church there is a strict photo-is-a ban. dpa photos are in Westminster Abbey from the outside

allows To come: horrendous admission price of just 25 Euro per Person, long waiting times and a lot of hustle. Fans of the British Royals or the English literature, it may be that, in spite of everything of value, are to be found in the Church, but about the graves of Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling to.

For all others: you Come on weekdays to 17 PM or on the weekend of 15 at the “Evensong”. An hour of the Church choir of the municipality and the sings for free. Then you can run the Church, not self, and free to explore, but the impressive architecture and the mood in the Church, traditionally, the kings of England are crowned, and in 2011, Prince William and Duchess Catherine were married, also works of the Church, Bank wonderful.

3. Uffizi gallery, Florence, Italy

The “Galeria degli Uffizi” is certainly one of the most prestigious and most visited museums in the world. Many follow the guide, therefore, blind to the Uffizi gallery – no matter whether you are interested in actually art or not. A mistake, for who has not for works of art, much of it left, you can save yourself the long queues and crowds in the Museum safely. A visitor brings to it in a Google Review to the point: “If you love art, you will love the Museum, if you are normal, then enjoy the Rest of Florence and you can spare yourself all this unnecessary Stress.” imago images/image broker/siepmann, The queues in front of the famous Uffizi gallery in Florence are often huge in length

tip : do you Want to visit the Uffizi gallery, nevertheless, you buy the Ticket beforehand on the Internet. This saves a lot of time Queuing at the checkout.

Who goes to the Uffizi gallery only to tick off on the to-Do list, can invest his time in a better state. Florence itself is a Museum: those Who walk with open eyes through the city, art and culture first, completely free, and secondly, in the self-selected extent, without a visit to the Museum.

4. the Place du Tertre, Montmartre, France

Many think of Paris, drifting off to thoughts quickly into romanticized notions of the famous artist’s district of Montmartre in the North of the French capital: Once through the small alleyways where once artists such as Picasso and Van Gogh lived, the painters on the roadside to look over the shoulder and in between a crepe on the Hand.

But not quite as relaxed, the reality of the situation around the famous “Place du Tertre” rarely Anywhere dealer, cartoons, scissors want to bring cuts and other art to the man. Artist to artist fits tightly to each other and everyone watches like a hawk. The preferred prey? Tourists! dpa / Nina Fargahi The artist Mirea Cozinéia on the Place du Tertre in Paris.

Our tip : Discover the district prefer to be away from the crowded and overpriced place. Especially the bright-white pilgrimage Church of the Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre is recommended: close. The view from the forecourt is fantastic – and completely free of charge.

5. Island of Mainau, lake Constance, Germany

– Overrated attractions there are not only abroad, but also here in Germany: the island of Mainau is about, also known as the flower island. She is one of those tourist magnets to flow to the people in every Season and are ready to pay a horrendes entrance money. dpa/P. Seeger, The flowers on the island of Mainau is far beyond the German borders well known and draws so many tourists to

But at least in the spring, the price-to-performance ratio is not correct: Already in March, the more expensive summer admission prices apply. But bloom this time of year is the least of your flowers. 21,50 Euro for a comparatively bare island of flowers are then exaggerated, however.

better: steer clear of The March, here it is already paying too much and sees too little. Instead, shortly before the introduction of the summer-come in prices and only 10 Euro for the entry numbers. Or: together with the tourist crowds in the summer to the island of Mainau – the flower is magnificent in the summer at the most beautiful. Best to avoid the tourist flows are then under the week and early in the morning. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the Department trip. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

6. Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland

Breathtakingly beautiful, 214 metres high and surrounded by a tumultuous sea Spray: The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland-travellers are often at the top of the To-Do list. The Problem: According to the cliffs on the West coast of the country, 250 kilometers East of the capital city of Dublin are crowded throughout the year. dpa/Tourism Ireland/Christopher Hill, a Popular viewing point for The Cliffs of Moher offer an excellent Photo opportunity.

tip : Instead of pushing the already in the off-season many of the existing coach occupants like lemmings the official way to the cliffs, we recommend the hike from Hag’s Head to the visitor center. The path is unpaved. But who is good to walk, can walk kilometres in length along the cliffs – and in peace and quiet and enjoy nature.

7. Prague castle, Prague, Czech Republic

The castle area from the 9. Century on the mount of hradčany, the cultural and political center of Prague, and definitely the most famous attraction of the Czech capital. Accordingly, there is a lot around the castle to see the Golden lane, in the even Franz Kafka lived, the St. Vitus Cathedral, the national gallery, the Holy cross chapel and will be held every day at noon a public changing of the guard of the castle guard.

But For all the attractions you have to pay. dpa the tourists in Prague (icon image)

Why: Whom it is, as many visitors – only the view of the castle, rises on the neighboring Letná hill. This is located in the middle of a public Park and can be visited without a Ticket easily.

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