Climate change is not a distant threat. It is a constant disaster that is already threatening humans and the natural environment around the globe, according to a new urgent report by the United Nations. The report states that the world has run out of time to stop the worst effects of global warming.

The report released Monday by U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) outlines the growing risk climate change poses for human health, infrastructure and food security, as well as the sustainability of water and food resources, and biodiversity in the planet’s ecosystems.


This assessment was produced by 270 scientists representing 67 countries that make up the IPCC’s so-called Working Group II. It represents broad consensus in the research community on how global warming affects people and the environment, and the possible consequences of inaction.

Hans-Otto Portner (climatologist, co-chair of Working Group II of the IPCC) stated in a statement that “the scientific evidence is unambiguous: Climate Change is an imminent threat to human wellbeing, and the health and well-being of the planet.” “Any delay in concerted global action is going to miss a short and quickly closing window to ensure a sustainable future.”

According to the report, humanity will face multiple climate risks over the next decades if global temperature rises above 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit). The planet has warmed by human-caused climate change, which is already 1.1 degrees Celsius (2° Fahrenheit) higher than pre-industrial levels.

Particularly worrying is the impact of climate change on food and water availability. According to the report, heat waves, droughts, and floods — all of them exacerbated by climate change — have already caused severe food and water insecurity for millions of people worldwide.

Rachel Bezner Kerr from Cornell University’s global development program, stated Sunday that “Overall, it is a grim picture for food systems.” Climate change is affecting everyone.

While climate change will affect all regions of the globe, the assessment revealed that those in Africa, Asia and South America are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and are at greater risk of suffering severe consequences including death. According to the report, the Arctic and small islands countries also bear a greater burden from climate change.

Bezner Kerr stated that taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and slow climate change’s pace will help lessen the dire consequences of global warming. He also said that any increase in temperature will lead to more severe consequences.

The IPCC report highlighted the growing threat of global warming to human and animal health. It also discussed the effects of climate change on mental well-being, a first for IPCC. Research has shown that extreme weather events such as heat waves and wildfires can have a negative impact on mental health.

The new assessment includes dire warnings that ecosystems and people most affected by rising sea levels are also at greatest risk. This includes low-income communities and coastal areas that are vulnerable to rising sea levels.

Many of the climate-related risks are interwoven with existing issues in these communities, including rising social inequality, unsustainable use natural resources, loss and damage from extreme weather events, and ongoing repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Our assessment clearly shows how tackling all these diverse challenges requires everyone — governments, private sector, civil society — working jointly to prioritize risk reduction as well as equity and justice in decision-making and investments,” Debra Roberts (Co-chair of Working Group II), the head for the Sustainable and Resilient City Initiatives Unit at eThekwini municipality in Durban, South Africa said in a statement.

According to the report, the cost of inaction could prove devastating. Camille Parmesan (an adjunct professor of geoological sciences at the University of Texas at Austin) said that climate change is not only threatening humans but also causing irreversible effects on certain species.

Parmesan stated, “It is very, very clear to see that wild species as well as natural systems are already being pushed up against hard limits.” “That is why we are seeing species go extinct. This is why we are seeing major changes in the most fragile ecosystems — the High Arctic, the Mountaintops —

John Kerry, the U.S. presidential special envoy on climate, stated that the IPCC assessment painted a “dire tableau” of how humanity has been affected by global warming. It also highlighted the dangers of not paying attention to climate science.

Kerry stated in a statement that “We have witnessed the rise in climate-fueled extremes, and the damage left behind — lives lost or livelihoods destroyed.” “The question is not whether or not we can completely avoid the crisis, but whether or not we can prevent the worst consequences.”

Established in late 1980s, the IPCC is made up of thousands of scientists from 195 member countries who review the latest published and peer-reviewed research about global warming and compile it into a report.

This new report is part the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change, also known as AR6. The full assessment is divided into four sections: The Working Group I report about the science of climate changes, released last year; Working Group II’s report on vulnerabilities and socioeconomic effects; the Working Group III report, due to be released in April; and finally, the Synthesis Report which summarizes the results from all the working groups and incorporates pertinent information for policymakers.