In dispute over riots in Chemnitz, SPD strongly attacks federal interior Minister of its coalition partner CSU. Party leader Andrea Nahles withdrew suitability of Horst Seehofer and of President of constitution Hans-Georg Maaßen for ir positions in doubt. Their recent remarks have made it doubtful wher y are capable of protecting our constitution and thus our democracy, “Nahles said to Tagesspiegel.

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After riots, Seehofer had referred to migration question as ” mor of all political problems” in Germany. Maaßen had expressed doubts about aunticity of a video, which is supposed to show an assault on foreigners in Chemnitz, and speculates that it could be a “targeted misinformation”. Details of who could have circulated such and for what reason, Maaßen not called. Seehofer had expressed confidence in Maaßen after his remarks.

Nahles said: “Horst Seehofer constantly stirs everyone up, but is in practice a failure.” If CSU chairman is talking about mor of all problems, he actually says Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Nahles said. With her, Seehofer had long argued about refugee policy. “The mor of all solutions is cohesion in our country”, according to SPD chairman. “We want to work on this at last, and I also demand that from Seehofer.”

Because: Seehofer must ensure clarity

Previously, or SPD politicians had criticized Maaßen for his comments on Chemnitz. The Lower Saxon Prime Minister Stephan Weil told newspapers of Spark Media Group, head of authorities “with such statements suspicion that he is protecting against right-wing extremists”. Seehofer as a superior Maaßens must quickly provide for clarity, demanded because.

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SPD party vice-president Ralf Steger asked in broadcast NDR on Friday question, “whom Mr. Maaßen actually protects, Constitution or rar constitutional enemies from right”. Similar scenes as on aforementioned video were often observed in Chemnitz. Because expressed doubts about Maaßens suitability as head of domestic intelligence: “With me question marks multiply.”

Maaßens statements had also caused displeasure in or parties. CDU general Secretary Annegret Kramp-cart builder (CDU) urged Maaßen to support his assertion with evidence. “The public has a right to this document and we are waiting for it,” said politician in Daily Show. Left-boss Katja Tipping asked Maaßen to resign. The party leaders of Greens, Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck, encouraged dissolution of Federal Office for Protection of Constitution and transformation into a “Federal office for detection of threats and espionage”.