
  • Page 1 — routinely to Europe
  • Page 2 — Chancellor needs skepticism
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    A more suitable place to talk about Europe, physicist Angela Merkel could not have been able to choose: Imaginata in north of Jena was a substation full switchgear for connection of different electrical voltage levels. Today Imaginata is a kind of walk-in physics museum designed to stimulate imagination.

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    The Federal Chancellor has invited about 60 citizens here: young, old, academics and workers. Toger y want to discuss future of continent, perhaps a bit fantasize. It is Merkel’s first public appearance after summer holidays. In her holiday she had adopted an unusually emotional summer press conference for her circumstances. “I will be very much opposed to certain erosions of language,” she said to Union crisis, saying, “You can say that usual regulatory framework is under pressure.” With Europe, it is again taking on a serious issue and that is still in East Germany.

    Citizens ‘ dialogue is format that several ministries participate in it. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz made start in May with a visit to pupils in Berlin, later development Minister Gerd Müller attended a vocational school in Kempten, Justice Minister Katarina Barley met interested parties in editorial board of Of Trier folk friend. Now it is Merkel’s turn, in October is end. The discussion topics are n collected and compared. The experiment also takes place in or EU countries. The Commission wants people to know how y think.

    Of course, refugees are a topic

    Regina Wagner, an elderly lady in audience, wants above all, “that comes to top, what is going on with little ones”. So see many participating, local media y had invited. “If Merkel is already re, I want to use opportunity to point out to you urgent problems,” says a student from Jena. such as fight against escape causes.

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    The participants were on time in small groups at round tables, y had already met for a workshop. It is silent, felt pens squeak over colourful cardboard boxes – a concentrated, friendly working atmosphere. A presenter wants to know from ir guests what role EU plays in ir daily lives, many are eager to write an answer. Then a few votes per card: who has ever been annoyed about EU? Almost everyone in room. Outweigh advantages? Except for three, all raise arm.

    Now Merkel is standing re, a microphone in her hand, or casually leaning on a lectern, in front of her an oval of grey carpet, on steps around participants have taken place. Of course, refugees are an issue, even one of first. A citizen wants to know what EU can contribute to integration. Anor citizen asks: are fences like Viktor Orbán a solution? The next wants to know: how did it get so far that food rations for Syrian refugees were cut?