During a visit to south of Spain, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel promised country assistance in negotiations with Morocco on migration policy. The core of se negotiations is search for a regime for repatriation of rejected asylum seekers and asylum seekers. The efforts of Spanish Government to narrow growing number of refugees coming to Europe from Morocco to Mediterranean are supporting Germany. It is important to have an honest cooperation with Africa, said Merkel.

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The Dublin system described Chancellor as “not working”: “According to ory, a migrant or a refugee should never arrive in Germany.” The asylum rules of Dublin Regulation provide that state is responsible for a migrant who first enters EU’s territory. This legal basis does not reflect reality, Merkel said. That is why it is “to find a fair distribution system and to organise repatriation toger”.

“No country can push itself before this task.”

It should not be forgotten, Merkel warned that reception of refugees concerns all EU countries, not just one of Mediterranean arrival countries. The problem of distribution of refugees in EU was “solvable” and she wanted to work to solve it “in Spirit of partnership”, said Chancellor: “No country can push itself before this task.”

Merkel also reminded us of fundamental values of EU, including human dignity. These values should not be forgotten and threatened by racism.

During two-day visit, Merkel and Sánchez want to discuss furr current bilateral and European issues, including desired deepening of economic and monetary union.

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This week, Germany and Spain had already agreed on a joint withdrawal agreement. The governments in Madrid and Berlin would have a “common approach”, it was said in a communication from Spanish government. The agreement is intended to apply to refugees who are taken up at German border, but whose application for asylum would be in Spain. Within 48 hours it will be possible in future to send it back.

In particular, federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had insisted on such rejection at border. The group leader of Greens, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, described this demand as a “piece of props from Seehofer Rüpelhaftem resignation Theatre”. Göring-Eckardt called on federal government to put “back on cooperation instead of confrontation” in Europe. Merkel must pledge aid to Spain in refugee policy and use opportunity for dialogue. Spain’s signal of cooperation is a positive sign that “deserves an equally positive response from Germany”.

The deputy Group chairman of FDP in Bundestag, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, said to editorial network Germany: “The Chancellor should insist that Spain set up an arrival centre for refugees, from which really vulnerable people in Or EU countries, but would not be brought back to ir countries of origin. ” In addition, Merkel must call on Spanish head of government to “move Morocco to set up disembarkation platforms for withdrawal of migrants,” Lambsdorff said.

In Spain, approximately 24,000 migrants have been registered this year – as many as in whole year 2017. Critics accuse Sánchez of encouraging entry into Spain, while countries like Italy have stepped up controls. The new right-wing populist government in Rome has practically stopped reception of boat refugees. Many migrants refore switch to neighbouring countries of Algeria and Morocco in order to try crossing to Spain from re.