According to German Federal government’s view of ARD-Germany trend, it was easy to recover: In survey 31 percent of respondents expressed satisfaction or satisfaction, which corresponds to an increase of six percentage points compared to August. At same time dissatisfaction of respondents decreased by six percentage points: according to 68 percent, y were less or not satisfied with work of CDU/CSU and SPD. The survey results published on are based on a survey conducted on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

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So re were only a few changes in so-called Sunday question. If a new Bundestag were elected in three days, 29 per cent of respondents of CDU or CSU would give ir vote, SPD would receive 18 percent unchanged. The AfD worsened in survey by one point to 16 percent, FDP improved by one point to eight percent. The left also scored points and reached ten percent. The Greens deteriorated by one point to 14 percent.

For Sunday question on behalf of ARD day mes, Opinion Research institute Infratest DIMAP asked 1,502 voters nationwide from Monday to Wednesday this week.

Integration of fugitives “rar not well managed”

In addition, specific topics were asked in survey on Monday and Tuesday, such as satisfaction of citizens with federal government’s refugee policy. Thus, 43 percent of respondents indicated that housing and distribution of migrants was “very good or rar good”. 50 percent answered a corresponding question with “rar or very poorly managed”.

Only 27 percent consider integration of refugees into society to be “very good or rar successful”, 69 percent expressed opposite.

A similar picture arises in integration of refugees into labour market. 69 percent see deficits in this area, only 23 percent are satisfied. A clear majority also criticized deportation practice of rejected asylum seekers, who rated 83 percent “very poorly or poorly managed”. Only eleven percent of authorities have a good testimony here. Only 27 percent are also of opinion that sufficient measures are being taken to prevent violence and crime, 69 percent are refore dissatisfied.

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Representative surveys are always subject to errors. It can be assumed that actual value is highly likely to be in a range of one to three percentage points above or below final measured values. The corridor of this statistical error is now shown in our graphs for election surveys.

The results are always based on sample surveys. These usually cover only specific parts of population (for example, people with fixed-line telephone lines or internet users). Some potential participants are hostile and do not want to be questioned at all. Questions are sometimes misunderstood and not always answered honestly. For example, also in response to previous surveys. However, in order to calculate a general opinion of all population groups, demo scopes must compensate for missing measured values and suspected inaccuracies and reweight present figures. These formulas (which are generally not transparent) differ in institutes and refore lead to different statements.

Poll values are always snapshots. More than a rough tendency for an opinion picture cannot be deduced from it. Even if statements and calculations on publication date of survey are close to reality, it is still clear wher voters polled at that time, for example, would actually vote or make a short-term decision.

You can find more background on our use of election surveys in our transparency blog greenhouse.

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Anor question was wher AfD should be observed nationwide through protection of Constitution. For this, 65 percent of respondents spoke out. On or hand, 32 percent would not be adequate. The Thuringian constitutional Protection had informed on Thursday, after conduct of survey, that y wanted to check wher National Association of AfD was pursuing anti-constitutional objectives. The outcome depends on wher party is being monitored by means of intelligence. The reasons for review are, among or things, statements by country chairman Björn Höcke. The constitutional protection offices in Lower Saxony and Bremen have put national associations of young alternatives, youth organization of AfD, under observation.