In Derunionsinternen confrontation over rejection of migrants to Germany’s borders, CDU politicians have called on CSU to moderate UndKompromissbereitschaft. An agreement was absolutely necessary, said head of Brandenburg CDU, Ingo Senftleben, newspapers of German Editorial network (RND). “Because everyone is clear: OhneEinigung automatically raises question of future derUnionsgemeinschaft.” This would also be end of government coalition. ” And that would take a political earthquake, “SagteSenftleben.

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Bundesinnenministerund CSU chief Horst Seehofer wants to reject migrants at border who have already made a request for protection in anor EU country or have been registered re at border. KanzlerinAngela Merkel and her CDU strongly reject this. They are striving for a European solution. Critics accuse Seehofer of acting from party tactical motives: 14th of October is elected in Bavaria – and CSU fears to lose votes to AfD.

DerAsylstreit between Merkel UndSeehofer was escalated on Thursday. The CSU has set chancellor quasi eineFrist until Monday in order to pivot on its line. Orwise, willSeehofer rejection of migrants in a national single-handed order.

CSU remains hard

The CSU re was no evidence of a distraction. The continuation of single Bundestag group with CDU depends solely on course of CDU, said CSU honorary chairman Edmund Stoiber Rnd newspapers. “Question arises for future of group community does not arise for CSU. At best, this poses to those who do not want to go way of zuständigenBundesinnenministers, “Stoiber said.

According to words of parliamentary managing Director of CSU regional group, Stefan Müller, a large majority also supports CDU deputies in BundestagSeehofers position. The CSU was also “quite decidedly füreinvernehmliche, pan-European solutions,” he said to NürnbergerZeitung. Aberseit almost three years ago, such solutions would be out. “That is why we need to increase pressure on or EU countries and, if that also KeineBewegung, be prepared to act nationally. Before deliver migration wave, “he said.

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CDU-HaushaltsexperteEckhardt Rehberg warned, on or hand, “everyone should Handelnbedenken wher result does not go beyond elections.” DerCDU-economic politician Joachim Pfeiffer said to Rnd newspapers: “I only appeal that all parties take a deep breath at weekend. The differences in matter are not so serious that one would have to blow up Denganzen loading. “

Seehoferwies criticism from CDU tip sharply back. It was not his party, Sonderndie CDU, that “has brought about dieSpaltung of Europe with refugee decision 2015,” said Seehofer of Süddeutsche Zeitung. In crisis year 2015, culmination of refugee crisis, around 890,000 migrants had travelled largely uncontrollably to Germany.

With his attack on Merkel’s refugee decision, Seehofer responded to a letter from CDU general Secretary Annegret Kramp-cart Builder to DieCDU members. In this she had warned that geforderteZurückweisung of asylum-seekers already registered in EU-countries on German border had danger of “splitting and weakening Europe”. Seehofer retorted: “Mrs. Kramp-cart Builder presents us as a province of Fürstenaus Bavaria, who did not understand European idea.”

Asylum dispute “Media overrated”

The German cities-UndGemeindebund holds union dispute for “medial overrated”. In an interview with Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung sagteHauptgeschäftsführer Gerd Landsberg: “The fact is: situation is calm at moment.” The upper limit of 200,000 refugees per year Werdederzeit not exceeded. That is not to be expected eir. “I am sure: at Endefindet, federal government is a Lösungnur in an effective protection of our external borders, VerpflichtendenVereinbarungen with countries of origin and creation of a single European Right of asylum,” said Landsberg. He stressed that re was no change of mood against refugees after recent acts of violence VonAsylbewerbern. “The municipalities are promoting population not to use se dreadful events to alleFlüchtlinge under general suspicion,” he said.

The city UndGemeindebund holds anchor centres for “Einenwichtigen contribution” planned by interior minister, so that implementation of German asylum law becomes “better, more effective, faster and more equitable”. Of people who are looking for protection from persecution in Germany, y are kannerwartet to spend a certain amount of time in such a Einrichtungaufhalten and Regelnakzeptieren that apply re, “said Landsberg.