The Supreme venezuelan nullifies the victory of a student leader, opposition, and imposes to the candidate of the regime

The venezuelan opposition tries to reunite against Nicolas Maduro

The Supreme Court of the revolution has returned to download a coup is undemocratic against the opposition and against all those who are struggling to maintain via election as output before the collapse of venezuela. Relying on a judgment or express their Electoral Chamber, the high court has annulled the proclamation of Marlon Diaz as president of the Federation of University Centers (FCU) of the University of Carabobo, a decision that goes far beyond the neutralization of an emerging leader.

The verdict passed over the election result, ignoring the overwhelming majority (over 75%) achieved by the candidate student, who knew how to draw 25 different groups of antichavismo in full hecatomb opponent. It also imposes itself as a leading university chavez Jessica Beautiful, protected the governor Rafael Lacava, the leader pop-up that walks by your state aboard of the so-called “Car of Dracula” to stop criminals, and that is the main interlocutor with the united States.

“This ruling is not binding on the student government. The minutes speak for themselves. The only president of the FCU is presided over by Marlon Diaz, there’s no one else,” replied the Wednesday the leader of university, willing to ignore the hammer bolivarian.

The battle has not just begun. The public universities are closed space for chavez, who only harvest one defeat after another. The Central University of Venezuela (UCV), the largest in the country, has seen leaders, such as Juan Requesens, the deputy First Justice jailed today illegally, accused of involvement in the alleged assassination attempt against Nicolas Maduro. In his day, Requesens, was defeated by the candidate of revolutionary sponsored by Hugo Chavez. His sister Rafaela is kept at the front of a Federation of Centers, despite the countless collisions with the power chavez.

The dismissal of Diaz happens a few hours after his appearance before the National Assembly, where he recounted the details of his triumph in spite of the pressure of the revolutionary, the threats and violence of the election day. “The National Assembly is the only legitimate authority of this country and the university is autonomous. We gave him a fight [beating] the ruling party in our elections, we managed to beat a government apparatus that was intended to bend the will of the students,” recalled Diaz, who was also one of the great stars of the Congress of the Broad Front held on Monday.

Still resounded with the echoes of these words on the floor when chavez unveiled its new arbitrariness. In the opposition to listen to new voices against and in favour of going to the elections to force the return of democratic country. Since the Democratic Unity won the parliamentary elections of 2015, the Supreme has been in charge of the siege to the Assembly using the figure of contempt for not carrying out any of the laws discussed and approved in the chamber. Has also specialized in persecuting its leaders.

The warlords have happened one after the other: the contempt of court against the Assembly was imposed after forcing the dismissal of three deputies from Amazon in 2015 and since then nothing is known of such a case in court; in contrast, elections at the University of Carabobo were held this month. Maximum speed or total oblivion, always in the interest of the revolution.

university officials and lawyers argue that the State may not distort the autonomy of the centres, secured by the current Constitution. “The University of Carabobo will respect the will of their community. No external body violate their autonomy. We are respectful of the laws and we demand respect for our students,” argued the chancellor Jessy Divo of Romero.

“can Not generate legal effects, nor is it binding. Only students are allowed to choose their representatives,” said Jose I. Hernandez, a professor of Constitutional Law.

The so-called solidarity and civil disobedience were repeated since it was made public the statement, both leaders of the opposition and civil society actors as the students themselves. From exile, the tax rebel, Luisa Ortega, denounced “the tyranny keeps abducted institutions to impose their misdeeds and continue erasing the venezuelans. Students must be organized for non-compliance with this criminal decision that violates their rights.”

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