Trudeau claimed that two of his children are COVID-19 positive and that he was also infected by the virus Monday.

After receiving two vaccine shots and a booster, the prime minister used a televised virtual conference to condemn anti-vaccine protesters, who flooded Canada’s capital to complain over COVID restrictions.

Trudeau stated that Canadians were shocked by and disgusted at the behaviour of some people in Canada’s capital. I want to make it clear. We don’t want to be intimated by people who abuse small businesses or steal from the poor. We will not accept those who display racist flags. We will not allow those who vandalize or disrespect the memory of our veterans to enter our ranks.

Some demonstrators rode in convoys of trucks and parked their vehicles on streets around Parliament Hill to block traffic. A smaller, but still significant number, remained on Monday.

Canadians were shocked to see images of protestors urinating at the National War Memorial, and dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Many others carried signs and flags bearing swastikas.

Many people refused to wear masks in grocery stores, hotels, and malls. One homeless shelter said that protesters demanded they be fed.

Canada has one the highest levels of coronavirus vaccinations in the world. These shots are designed to prevent those who get infected from becoming seriously ill.

Protest organizers called for the removal all COVID-19 restrictions as well as vaccine mandates. Trudeau is also being removed from the scene, although he is only responsible for a small number of restrictions that were placed by provincial governments.

Ottawa police said that they are investigating criminal charges for some protest actions.

“This behavior must stop. Anyone who was part of the convoy, but felt uncomfortable by the display of hate and division, should join the Canadians and be brave to speak out. Trudeau stated, “Do not stand for intolerance or hate.”

Some protested a Jan. 15 rule that required truckers entering Canada to have full vaccination against the coronavirus. Truckers from the United States have been required to be fully immunized before entering Canada. Canada could not remove this requirement.

Some Conservative opposition lawmakers offered coffee to protesters, and Erin O’Toole, Conservative party leader, met with some truckers. Former President Donald Trump also supported the demonstration.