Before US president Donald Trump announced his approval of G7 summit communiqué, industrial nations had come to a final declaration at ir meeting. The EU wants to stand by se agreements despite US exit, said a spokesman for EU Council President Donald Tusk. A spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel also said that y wanted to stick to agreements, just like Canadian host Justin Trudeau.

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But re was little concrete that Heads of State and Government could agree on at ir two-day meeting in La Malbaie, and now it is a final statement of G7 minus 1.

The trade conflict between Europeans, Japanese and Canadians with United States was biggest problem for summit. Despite enormous opposition, one agreed on a vague joint declaration and a call for fight against protectionism. As a compromise, declaration was opposed to wording of earlier summits. This obviously also fulfilled demand of Chancellor Angela Merkel not to fall back on past positions. The G7 countries once again pleaded in favour of modernising World Trade Organisation (WTO) in order to make it more equitable.

United to North Korea

The nuclear conflict on Korean peninsula was only major issue in which G7 partners fully agreed. They called on North Korea to eliminate its weapons of mass destruction and missiles as well as “complete, verifiable and irreversible” programmes in this regard. The “strong pressure” is to be maintained until rulers Kim Jong-un. The US president travelled early from Canada to Singapore, where he will meet Kim at a historic summit on Tuesday.

The G7 states want to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. However, re is no mention of dispute about right way in final document. The US had announced in May to get out of nuclear agreement, but European Contracting parties Germany, France and United Kingdom want to save agreement toger with Russia and China. Europeans have appealed to US not to punish European companies for doing business in Iran.

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There was no understanding of Trump’s utterly surprising thrust to return Russia to Group of major industrial nations. Only newcomer in round, Italy’s new head of government Giuseppe Conte, supported Trump in principle. The or partners are anticipating progress in peace process for Ukraine. Russia had been excluded 2014 after annexation of Crimean peninsula.

The G7 countries want to act toger against fake news and destabilisation attempts from countries like Russia. However, this was not part of final communiqué, but is a separate statement. A new rapid response mechanism (RRM) is intended to provide a coordinated and rapid response to electoral manipulations, propaganda attacks, and or “unacceptable actions”. The defense system is designed to analyze and exchange information about such attacks. The next step would ideally be a coordinated response, ranging from counter-campaigns to sanctions.

Equal rights and education

Progress has been made on equal rights, one of key mes of Canadian host Justin Trudeau. The G7 partners – now without USA – want to raise 2.5 billion euros to support women in developing countries by 2020. The countries are providing one billion US dollars to bring toger anor two billion from private sector. The initiative aims to facilitate women’s access to better jobs and leadership roles, as well as to improve ir financial, market and service situation. An Equal rights advisory board, introduced by Canada, is also to continue its work under French G7 presidency next year.

It was also decided to promote access of poor girls to education in crisis regions over three years with 2.5 billion euros. More than eight million children will benefit from this. The commitments exceed demands of host Canada and aid organizations that had requested 1.1 billion euros.

Five against Plastic

In fight against plastic waste in oceans, Japan also retracted, except for US. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and EU pledged to ensure full recyclability of plastic until 2030. The US and Japan also failed to recycle target of at least 55 percent of ir plastic waste until 2030. Of G7, United States is considered largest polluter of plastic pollution in oceans. Globally speaking, it is China, Indonesia and Philippines. In Europe, only just under 30 percent of plastic waste is collected for recycling.

To protect climate, only differences with United States were written in Summit declaration. The six remaining states and EU leaders were familiar with Paris climate change agreement, while United States committed its special course. Trump had gone out of climate contract a year ago, which wants to keep global warming below two degrees compared to pre-industrial age, preferably even at 1.5 degrees.