
  • Page 1 — The Open Denmark falls silent
  • Page 2 — right-wing populists demonize or accept?
  • Page 3 — Right mainstream
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    In a “not particularly attractive” place in Europe, Danish Government wants to accommodate rejected asylum seekers in future. The plans for such a centre would be discussed with or countries and are already relatively far, said Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen in a speech on Danish Basic Law day. Løkke also called for asylum applications to be made outside Europe and that asylum seekers could only enter when ir applications were approved – even if this was difficult to achieve.

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    It is far from being first proposal of its kind; The Danish government has repeatedly tightened its asylum laws over past few years. At regular intervals, re are reports of measures to deter government of asylum seekers even more effectively.

    The tone has also intensified in dealing with people with immigrant backgrounds who have been living in Denmark for some time. Only a few months ago, Løkke had presented a strategy paper for “A Denmark without parallel societies”. “No more ghettos until 2030” is his goal. A ghetto, according to government’s definition, is an area in which at least 50 percent of inhabitants come from non-Western countries, where unemployment exceeds 40% and where crime rate is particularly high in relation to total population. “We will control who may retract,” said Prime minister. If it goes after him, ghettos should also impose tougher penalties for ft and a daycare obligation.

    Is Denmark on way to becoming Europe’s right leader?

    First, a few facts on current case, which Løkkes demands that asylum seekers be accommodated in a centre in a “not particularly attractive” place in Europe. The proposal is not a purely Danish invention; Several Danish media reports that idea actually came from Austria’s chancellor Sebastian Kurz, which Løkke met in context of a summit in May.

    Løkke, this proposal was very right. At beginning of legislature, its government had made it easier to report rejected asylum seekers, but did not present any concrete proposals. Since last election in year 2015, Løkke leads a minority government with whom it relies heavily on votes of opposition populist right-wing Danish People’s Party. In addition, next year will be chosen and Løkke is clear: sooner or later political party could use his inaction against him. So he took initiative on Wednesday – probably mostly for electoral reasons.

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    Løkke called his plans nothing less than start of a new European asylum system. But he hardly gave any details. According to Danish newspaper policies, first is a pilot center, which is to be completed later this year. In autumn it should be established where exactly it is to be built and which countries are behind project. So far, it is still a proposal with many question marks.