The president ensures that you will stop at the migrants while they resolve their asylum applications

USA confirms that it will send more than 5,000 soldiers to the border with Mexico

Trump threatens to deploy to the border guard and the army by the ‘caravan’ of migration

The president of the united States, Donald Trump, announced on Tuesday its intention to build “tent cities” where stopping to the members of the caravan of migration to the central americans applying for asylum while they resolve their requests.

“we’re Going to build tent cities, we’re going to put tents on all sides, we’re not going to build structures -to spend hundreds of millions of dollars-we’re going to have tents, they are going to be very nice, and [the migrants] are going to expect, and if you do not receive the asylum they are going to go,” said Trump in an interview on ‘Fox News’.

“When you realise that that happens, we’re going to have a lot less people coming”, he added.

Trump recalled that the majority of asylum requests from central americans -about 80 %- are rejected by their country, but that “no one appears” in the hearings which can be held years after his arrival in the u.s. territory. “If you are going to wait, usually do not get asylum,” he said.

The Government of Trump announced yesterday the shipment of 5,200 troops to the border with Mexico to respond to the arrival of thousands of central american migrants who move by the neighbouring country in a northerly direction in two caravans.

The president insisted that “many members of gangs and very bad people” are “mixed” in the caravan, and warned that Washington “will not accept” migrants.

however, the laws of the united States apply to immigrants who flee persecution and seek asylum once they arrive in this country.

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