After EU summit, EU Commission in Africa is looking for countries to set up dieAufnahmelager for refugees on ir territory. ” This requires partnership agreements with countries in NordenAfrikas, eir directly on Mediterranean or in DerSahelzone, “said EU Budget Commissioner Günr Oettinger (CDU) of Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntag newspaper. According to Oettingersoll, “unbeing of tugs” is terminated with reception centres, but this should not lead to undue burdens for diePartnerländer. Oettinger did not call KonkretenLänder, according to information from Frankfurter AllgemeinenSonntagszeitung, EU Commission is seeking negotiations with Libya, Mali, Niger and Nigeria.
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Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco have already rejected establishment of VonAufnahmezentren. In part, se are not compatible with Dengesetzlichen regulations. The ägyptischeParlamentspräsident Ali Abd al-Eel told World on Sunday: “EU reception facilities for migrants in Egypt would violate laws and constitution of our country.” Thus, Egyptian legal situation does not allow establishment of VonFlüchtlingslagern. “Legally arrived migrants Könntensich in Egypt where y wanted and could not be forced to stay in certain institutions,” SagteAli Abd al-Eel.
Even now, according to Abd al-Eel in Egypt, “about ten million refugees from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palästinasowie from Sudan, Somalia and or countries” live, Wobeialle refugees a right to health care and Bildunghätten. “This means that our capacities are already heuteausgelastet. That is why it is important for Egypt to receive support from Ofgermany and EU, “said President of Parliament. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had already stressed that it was not against will of North African states that Werdendürfe decided, and also International law should be respected.
Higher payments for expansion of Frontex
View to planned expansion of EuropäischenGrenzschutzbehörde Frontex, which is to be increased to 10,000 employees by 2020, EU Commissioner Oettinger prepared Member States for higher payments in EU budget. “Icherwarte refore that Member States also give us außerordentlicheMittel if that is necessary,” Oettinger said. He is recovering in household. The target is also VomArbeitsmarkt. According to Oettinger, one needs good ausgebildeteBewerber, which is why national authorities must first order personnel.
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At EU summit on 28 June, EU Member States daraufgeeinigt to prevent refugees at external borders more efficiently from derEinreise. According to Oettinger, measures are to be drafted and adopted by September and protecting end of year. Among topics discussed are disembarkationplatforms, i.e. camps outside EU, where UNHCR, for example, could examine dieChance for asylum. However, so far keininfrage coming country has agreed to build such reception camps. The Tunisian and Albanian authorities said request of time online, y would not know of any request.
SPD presents paper on asylum policy
LibyscheVerhandlungsführer already closed such centres on Monday, instead y are holding an agreement with Italy and are penetrating alternatives such as Niger or Chad. In Nigergibt re are already centres for migrants, but y serve derInformation of migrants and no provisional asylum examination. UndMarokkos director of migration and border management, Khalid Zeraouli, said kingdom had no interest in such facilities. They are “not solution”.
In Germany, SPD also positioned itself against GeplantenAufnahmezentren. In a paper that is in mirror, party summed up its five core policy points of asylum. Thus, protection seekers need “security, perspectives and rapid integration”. Those who are entitled to Allerdingskeinen must return to ir home country or einensicheren third country. Refugees are refore not allowed to Untergebrachtwerden in closed camps (controlled areas) – which often do not correspond to ” continent of humanitarian sun”.