The French Parliament has adopted an extended ban on mobile phones in schools. It Verbietetgrundsätzlich to use mobile phones in all primary and elementary schools as well as in DerSekundarstufe I, as radio station France Info reported. It concerns children and students aged three to 15 years. High schools have opportunity to also have a Handyverboteinzuführen, but re is no obligation.

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Liberals and deputies DerRegierungspartei La République en marche voted in Nationalversammlungfür law, representatives of leftist and conservative parties Enthieltensich. With ban, President Emmanuel Macron’s electoral promise was implemented. The demand of 40-year-old Hatteviele surprised that Liberals had been more known to equip neueTechnologien at prices and schools with more computers.

The idea of banning is to better focus Enablesa students without distraction through cell phones in school. Also, bullying cases in which cell phones are filmed in schoolyard, how children are beaten up, are to be excluded.

The idea of a mobile phone ban is not new: Since 2010 re is an article in school law banning mobile phones at allengrund schools and in Secondary College in school building. Nurwaren so far break farms are excluded from scheme. In addition to mobile phones, Tabletsund Smartwatches are also banned in all classrooms and school outings. There are exceptions when device is used for teaching itself, but also fürKinder with disabilities.

Especially parents criticize DenVorstoß. They are now accustomed to always being able to reach ir children. If afternoon schedule changes, children should through informed. Some parents also want to support ir children during break if y are bullied.

The implementation of comprehensive ban is also questionable. Wher teachers Konfiszierensollen all mobile phones every morning is still unclear.