
  • Page 1 — your blue project
  • Page 2 — border or proximity to AfD?
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    There are no more strong pictures of Frauke Petry. The former AfD boss sits as a non-attached MEP in LetztenReihe in Bundestag plenary and looks back at Hinterköpfe of her former party colleagues. Her seat-neighbor, who is also a well-beaten Mario Mieruch, applauds when she speaks at lectern; In corridors of Chamber, or members are avoiding ir gaze. The politician Petry is now a member without influence.

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    This was quite different: 2015, about when she plunged n-AfD boss Bernd Lucke in an overheated Essen party rally Hall and called her followers “Frauke, Frauke!”. Or 2017 at meeting of European right-wing populists in Koblenz when y were on stage toger with French Navy Le Pen and Dutchman Geert Wilders.

    In summer of Bundestag election she crashed. As AfD chief, she had first granted Nationalists in party, some even encouraged. Then she tried to stop party’s right jerk, and was suddenly isolated. The degree of alienation between Petry and AfD was evident in Bundestag election campaign, when she found bikini-instead-burka posters so unbearable that she used an image with her n newborn son as campaign advertising.

    In morning after Bundestagswahl2017 she went. In press conference of AfD, in which it was supposed to be about election result of 12.6 percent, Petry announced her withdrawal. A shocked leader was left on podium. That was Petrys last public triumph.

    © Michael Heck Tilman Steffen

    Editor at Department of Politics, Economy and society, time online

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    She has retained her Bundestag mandate, and since n Petry sits as a simple MEP in Saxon Landtag. Does former chairman of almost 30,000 party members hurt loss of power and posts? “It was never about function or power, but always about content of politics,” she says today. “Power in a structure that runs in wrong direction is not worth much more in terms of content.”

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    With a few intimates, she has founded blue Turn – a currently 500 members strong retro AfD with ir political guiding principles from Gründungsjahr2013, but without worst radicals of today’s Gaula party. Petry wants an economic liberal blue movement as a place where conservatives gar, to which FDP is too high and AfD too extreme. “Over AlleParteien from FDP to CSU re are conservatives, even in SPD,” says Petry.

    Politics on time

    On an evening imFrühsommer, blue turn to a civic forum in North Rhine-Westphalia Iserlohn was loaded. In mirrored room of Michaels Tanztreff sit 70 people-looking tables – bourgeois audiences, including teachers, a university lecturer, students, pensioners. Petrys police protection has searched premises in advance, and civil police have been securing ir public appearances since 2016 trust your car burned. The curtains are drawn, bluish artificial light illuminates DenRaum.

    The audience bourgeois, teacher, a university lecturer, students, retirees, some women © Tilman Steffen for time online

    Petry comes with her child in his own greater Ford directly from Berlin. SIEÜBERGIBT now one-year-old son of a confidant and rushes into hall. The microphone in hand, she talks about educational policy – it’s about lack of teachers, umLeistungsbereitschaft, which is “often perceived as too negative”. Petry plädiertfür handwriting Instead of mobile phone at school and in curriculum for Goe instead of gender. After 40 minutes she leads to discussion.

    She has to explain why she has also founded Blue Party in addition to blue turn. According to Petrys, this party should have only a few members and only be a substructure for civic movement. This is necessary, because in Germany, beyond municipal elections, only parties can nominate candidates for elections.

    There is scepticism in audience in Iserlohn: can this work, nor a NeuePartei? The real policy is to make people in motion, says Petry. This reminds some in hall of Petrys predecessor Lucke, also ex-AfD boss, who did not succeed exactly. Why would this woman get better?

    People should not have to commit mselves in long term through a party book and spend ir evenings at local union meetings, Petry finds. Non-party program and membership fees should be dasBindemittel between people, but mutual trust and securityof to be able to quickly get out of politics on time too. “Because Dereigentliche democratic process is choice,” Petry in MichaelsTanztreff promotes her idea.