The SPD Bundestag group in Bundestag expects furr relaxation in relation to Turkey and wants to support it economically in this case. If development is to continue, German and European aid will be possible, said foreign policy spokesman of SPD Bundestag group, Nils Schmid, in Inforadio of RBB. An important political and economic partner such as Turkey should not be allowed to hang.

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The past few weeks have shown that Turkey is moving back to EU. “Of course, Turks also perceived that re is a willingness in Germany and EU to get into conversation,” Schmid said. “It is a sign that Turkey wants to move closer to EU again.” He cited release of Turkish chairman of Amnesty International, several Greek officers and German translator Meşale Tolu.

Legal certainty and transparency for investment are an important precondition for economic aid. Then, in addition to aid from International Monetary Fund, support from European Investment Bank would be conceivable, for example in form of aid for small and medium-sized enterprises.

According to a survey, most Germans are against aid

The majority of German citizens see this differently: More than two-thirds (71 percent) reject a survey according to a financial support of economically battered Turkey – even if Turkish government made concessions for it. Only 22 percent of respondents advocate thrust of SPD chief, Andrea Nahles, on possible AIDS, as a representative survey of Opinion Research Institut Civey on behalf of daily newspaper revealed world. Seven percent were undecided.

The rejection takes place across parties. Only among supporters of SPD, with 46 percent supporters and 42 percent of opponents, re is a narrow majority for grants. On or hand, a clear no predominates for supporters of Greens (53 percent), left (67 percent), union (69 percent), FDP (80 percent) and AfD (94 percent).

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The question was: “Should German government be prepared to grant aid to Turkey if Turkish government makes concessions?” For results, Civey took into account replies of 5,051 representatively selected participants on 20 and 21 August 2018. The statistical error of results is 2.5 percent.

Nahles had been criticized for her proposal across party. She said, “Turkey is a NATO partner that we cannot care about. It is in all our interests that Turkey remains economically stable and that currency turbulence is curbed.

The president of German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), Eric Schweitzer, said Bild newspaper, which is responsible for economic development “primarily with Turkish Government”. EU Budget Commissioner Günr Oettinger referred to International Monetary Fund (IMF) as ” right address”.