Shortly before left-party congress, ex-Bundestag group leader Gregor Gysi was at a distance from Sahra wagon-servant and left-wing collection movement planned by her. The idea could not work, said Gysi of Berliner Zeitung. “You can’t decide that from above. And pressure from below is not re. ” In addition, problem is “that a movement should be organized here alongside left-hand party and we have long been talking to dissatisfied parties about Greens or SPD,” said Gysi.

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The collection movement is said to be an offer for people, “who once elected SPD or Greens, perhaps even members, but who do not agree with course of ir parties at all”. The leadership of left rejects it because it fears that it will make party redundant. A concern that apparently also shares Gysi.

Although wagon-servant succeeded, “a kind of icon that occurs in media very skilfully and wisely, representing independent positions,” said Gysi. They must of course use this attention. But it’s not that she’s always right. “Sahra is not a goddess, and she knows that too.”

The left meets – from Friday in Leipzig to federal Party congress-from power struggles and clashes to course of party. For a long time re has been a split between its leaders and leadership of Bundestag faction in party. The party board is newly elected in Leipzig. The party chiefs Katja Tipping and Bernd Riexinger set mselves up for re-election.