Österreichischeund German police authorities want to ausbauenund ir common border controls against crime and illegal immigration. Toger with Derbayerischen provincial police, Austrian and German federal police want to be erstmalsgemeinsam in three stiffs in border area. In particular, Fokussoll trains are in process, and also Brenner controlled. A review of action will be held in three months.

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ZumStart of border controls, Thomas Borowik, spokesman DerBundespolizeidirektion München, said that it was particularly important in border areas to coordinate measures on a regional level. “This is why we want to stop and Unfälleverhindern Gefährlichenillegalen entry into freight trains early on,” Borowik said. “The migrants are always in danger and are putting ir lives at risk.”

In area of Federal Police Department of Munich, around 1,000 refugees were discovered on freight trains last year. Many of m try to cross border on or between truck trailers of freight trains.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to expand controls

DERZEITGIBT There is a decline in number of illegal entry to Derdeutsch-Austrian border. Last year, 14,600 people tried to enter illegally, with about half of m being rejected. In first four months of this year, police counted just under 3,800 unerlaubteEinreisen and 2,100 rejection.

Germany was first country of Schengenraumsim September 2015 to re-introduce controls at internal borders. While European Commission urges it to be phased out, InnenministerHorst Seehofer (CSU) wants to expand controls.