For many years, demand for an immigration law depends on country. It is good and a sign of political design will that grand coalition is finally making its implementation. For a long time, everyone has agreed that it needs something like this – but that is what could now become a problem. For in all se years this law has been so charged with expectations and transfigured into a universal solution. As if Government had to regulate only once, that supposed chaos of immigration issues turned into a good German order. That’s dream.

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Now that it becomes concrete, this dream has to burst. Because, of course, people will also try to come to Germany, for whom new immigration law does not provide for legal access. And because ministries involved in draft law make it very clear that y want to re-regulate only a small part of immigration.

It starts with name: “The cornerstones of coherent approach of skilled labour immigration from third countries” is paper. The authors attach great importance to mentioning toxic word “immigration” for parts of German society only in connection with solid, good word “skilled workers”. In following, y use almost two of six sides to affirm that y are only concerned with ” needs of our economy” and “first and foremost” to raise and secure “domestic potential”. Just because domestic potential is not enough, re is a need for a few foreigners with potential in this logic: authors treat immigration solely as economic inevitability.

Just no unqualified

You don’t have to find that well, but it’s understandable. Firstly, because it is position of Union parties and a great many Germans for years. Secondly, because in recent years a great many people have come to Germany who do not, or at least not yet, meet demands of skilled workers. That is why text stresses: ‘ We do not want immigration of unqualified third-country nationals ‘, we will ensure that new law is not misused.

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For those who want to have m in Germany, ministries make good proposals. They want more German courses abroad, y want foreign financial statements to be recognized more easily and quickly, and y also want people to be able to come to Germany more easily and n to find a job. Even two seemingly unspectacular proposals in draft could unfold a proper force: that embassies abroad should be easier to reach and more open for people who want to know how y can work in Germany. And that existing immigration rules should be simplified and summarised. This is because many people fail to overcome this hurdle, inaccessibility and complexity of German immigration system and its authorities.

The lane change would be really new

In most important change, however, Union brakes: change of track. The SPD wants to allow rejected asylum seekers to remain in country if y have a job. That would be fundamentally new, because it would bring toger two principles of asylum (stay as protection from danger in homeland) and labour migration. No wonder parties cannot agree exactly here. After all, union wants to avoid this: that those who have applied for asylum but are not in need may end up staying here. Since 2015, it has become more and more important to help only real refugees and to send rejected asylum seekers back.

The idea of track change is correct: who has work in Germany and is integrated should be allowed to stay, no matter how he came here. That would also be in interests of German economy, for whose concerns law is specifically intended.

In this sense, it is unfortunate that negotiations on details are now, of all times, a time when parts of German public and parties react so sensitively to everything that has to do with immigration and asylum. Because it leads to fact that Union hardly dares to push narrow access to Germany a good bit furr. Just a little bit.