What is meant by changing lanes?

A change of track in migration policy means that rejected asylum seekers who are already in Germany will be facilitated access to German labour market via a new planned immigration law. They would n be able to switch from right of asylum into new immigration law. Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günr (CDU) has initiated debate on change of track this week. “It is important that people, if y are integrated, if y have already completed an education, have opportunity to also work in labour market,” he said.

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No, SPD, FDP and Greens have been demanding this possibility of change in relevant legislation for some time. This autumn, federal Minister of Social Affairs Hubertus Heil from SPD will present cornerstones of new immigration law. Presumably, Salvation will design his design based on existing concepts of his party. Moreover, so-called “3 plus 2 regulation” already exists in German legislation. It allows refugees who have already started training in Germany to complete m and to pursue a connection to employment.

Why does proposal exist at all?

The Union and SPD have stipulated in Coalition agreement that Germany needs an immigration law so that shortage of skilled workers can be overcome. Achim Dercks, chief executive officer of German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, confirms this deficiency: “Only domestic workers are no longer sufficient to occupy many vacancies.” The lane change could be an element for this.

What do existing regulations look like?

So far, immigration to Germany from non-EU countries is subject to different rules depending on level of education: non-academics can only immigrate if y have a job in one of so-called deficiency professions, for example in care sector. Academics can also enter without a specific job offer and n seek employment within six months if y have a foreign university degree comparable to a German or a German university degree and ir Livelihood. This applies only to a few skilled workers.

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Daniel Günr had to accept criticism from Union for his proposal. The Bundestag group chief of CDU and CSU, Volker Kauder, fears that change in law would create new incentives for people to come to Germany. He demands: “skilled workers who come to us must have a concrete Jobzusage in principle.” The AfD also rejects proposal. The Chairman of group, Alice Weiden, said that such a regulation was a premium for illegal immigrants who abused asylum law in order to obtain an admission ticket to Germany.

What is change in lane?

According to Herbert Brücker of Institute for Labour Market and professional research, German companies and welfare state could benefit from possibility of a change of track for people who are already here. However, on condition that people are employed and can finance ir livelihoods mselves. “What matters is how policy is designed to change lane,” says Brücker. In general, “if perspective of such a possibility is uncertain, refugees cannot calculate probabilities and pull factors remain low. So migrants have less reason to come to Germany. “

In order for scheme to succeed, it is important that people in country have a realistic perspective on how to stay. Only n is it worthwhile for you, for example, to learn language. The perspective is also important for companies, because every attitude costs money.

How many refugees can help reduce shortage of skilled workers?

According to Institute for Labour Market and vocational research, proportion of refugees with completed vocational training or university studies is approximately 18 to 20 percent. About eight percent are currently in schools, colleges or in vocational training. “This is a snapshot,” says Brücker, tendency is rising. In addition, refugees without appropriate training could also work in a qualified field of activity. This is because re is no comparable training system in ir countries of origin, but y have already practised profession re.

However, re is currently not only a need for skilled workers, but also for people working in so-called helper activities, i.e. in low-skilled service sector, for example in catering industry, in construction or in care. “These are activities that need to be done. For this, people do not necessarily need a completed vocational training, yet se activities have an enormous social value. It would not be wise to renounce se people, “says Brücker.