Over a year ago, Donald Trump’s James Comey was deposed as FBI chief – it is still one of most controversial steps of his controversial presidency. Since n, it has been determined not only in principle how far Russia’s influence on US election was. Comeys dismissal is also a central part of investigations under accusation of obstruction of justice. After that, former FBI chief had largely withdrawn from public to finally present his memoirs in April. In it he also wrote down his version of events before and after election of trumps.

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Much was quoted from book, in countless interviews and appearances in United States, Comey raised serious accusations against president, who cost him his office. In Berlin, ex-FBI boss is now presenting his book for first time in Germany, in cooperation with American Academy and time he is a guest at International cinema. Larger than office (original title: A higher loyalty) will be focus of evening. But Comey, in conversation with Holger Stark, head of department investigative of Time, will also certainly have a lot to say about state of politics and society in United States. We show event in a live stream: