The Cologne police have banned appearance of two Turkish opposition politicians in a Kurdish demonstration. The two MEPs wanted to speak at a rally against Turkey’s military deployment in norrn Syria.

With ban, police impose a requirement of Foreign Office. Last June, federal government issued a generellesAuftrittsverbot for foreign officials from non-EU countries. It is valid for three months before an election and is intended to prevent foreign politicians from conducting election campaigns in Germany. Because of ban, appearances of officials of Turkish government party were previously banned. The party of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had refore accused Germany of partisanship for opposition.

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According to information from German press agency, politicians who were to appear in Cologne were to be Ahmet Yıldırım and Tuğba Hampton Öztürk. They are members of pro-Kurdish party HDP. According to Hampton, Turkeyand is accused of terrorist accusations in connection with banned Kurdish Workers ‘ Party PKK gefahndet. Because you are threatened with a perennial prison sentence in Turkey, Hampton had dropped off abroad.

In Turkey, early parliamentary and presidential elections are scheduled for June 24th. About three million TURKISHS living abroad are entitled to vote. Most of m live in Germany: Here in June 1.4 million can vote.

Erdoğan calls Turks to exchange ir dollars and euros in lira

One month before election, decline in value of Turkish lira for Erdoğan threatens to become a problem. Because it lost a massive amount of value, Erdoğan SeineLandsleute now called to exchange ir dollar and euro balances in dieheimische currency. “My brors who have dollars oderEuros under ir pillows,” said Erauf of a campaign event in Erzurum in eastern Turkey. “Go and exchange your money in lira.” Erdoğan has already announced that, after presidential elections, he intends to pursue a größereKontrolle on monetary policy.

Erdoğan had formulated a similar appeal a year ago. In June last year WarnteErdoğan that everyone will lose who invests in foreign exchange. Since n, value of lira has fallen sharply. Lastly, it lost 16 percent of its value to US dollar within a month. Those who listened to Erdoğan and exchanged his saved dollars thus made losses.

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Before an interest rate increase by dieZentralbank, Turkish lira had reached a Rekordtiefvon 4.929 lira on Wednesday to US currency. The increase in interest rates also brought only einegeringfügige improvement.