17 US states have joined lawsuit of Washington’s Capital district against President Donald Trump’s government to reassemble immigrant families. Trump had practice of separating illegally entered parents at border of ir children, ended last week with a decree. A plan of how children and parents can be reunited is still in process, said three days ago from government circles.

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The states represented by 17 Democratic justice ministers, including New York and California, now declared that authorities had failed to bring toger children already 2,300 by ir parents with ir families again. Moreover, Trump’s decree is full of contradictions, and families are deprived of a proper procedure. Many of m are denied right to asylum and authorities acted arbitrarily.

A similar lawsuit has also been filed by Civil rights organization ACLU at US District Court in Seattle.

“Plain and Simple cruel”

The Justice Minister of New Jersey, Gurbir Grewal, said: “The government’s practice of separating families is simply cruel.” Every day, government in Washington is coming up with new contradictory tactics and new contradictory justifications.

The mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, said a few days ago that communication with federal authorities was difficult: in his city re were an estimated 100 immigrant children separated from ir parents. However, administration has little information about m because y are under federal control. He criticized that US government did not share its findings.

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The Trump government’s “zero tolerance” policy had led to separation of children and parents from illegal border crossing of Mexico. Because of regulation from White House, more than 2,300 minors had been separated from ir mors and fars for weeks. After fierce criticism, Trump finally had an end to family divisions.