Border guards in United States must bring toger illegally inland families who had previously been separated, within 30 days. This was ordered by a judge in San Diego and at same time issued a nationwide restraining order against future family divisions; Unless parents were classified as inappropriate or did not want to be reunited with ir offspring.

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According to this, children under age of five should be returned to ir parents within 14 days. In addition, all children must be allowed to speak with ir parents within ten days. In its arrangement, judge also instructed US authorities to ensure a telephone contact between separate family members within ten days.

Telephone contact within ten days

The order follows an action by Civil Rights organisation ACLU. It is a seven-year-old girl who was separated from his Congolese mor. The organization also filed a lawsuit for case of a mor from Brazil, who was taken away from her 14-year-old son. ACLU lawyer Lee learned greeted verdict from San Diego: “In all prisons in country, tears will flow when families learn that y are being merged”.

For weeks, United States has been discussing fate of minors who have been housed separately by ir illegally immigrant families in U.S. authorities. More than 2,000 children are affected by this measure, which US government has adopted in context of its zero-tolerance policy against illegal immigrants. Under pressure of his own ranks, US president Donald Trump meanwhile steered and stopped family divisions by decree. He decided that parents and children should be detained toger in future. The more than 2,000 previously interned children are still separated from ir parents – some hundreds of kilometres away.

if ( typeof AdController !== ‘undefined’ !window.Zeit.isMobileView()) { if ( !document.getElementById( ‘iqadtile4’ ) ) { var elem = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = ‘iqadtile4’; elem.className = “ad ad-desktop ad-desktop–4 ad-desktop–4-on-article”; elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-type’, ‘desktop’); document.getElementById(‘ad-desktop-4’).parentNode.appendChild(elem); AdController.render(‘iqadtile4’); if ( window.console typeof === ‘function’ ) {‘AdController ‘ AdController.VERSION ‘ tile 4 desktop’) } } } if ( typeof AdController !== ‘undefined’ window.Zeit.isMobileView()) { if ( !document.getElementById( ‘iqadtile4’ ) ) { var elem = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = ‘iqadtile4’; elem.className = “ad ad-mobile ad-mobile–4 ad-mobile–4-on-article”; elem.setAttribute(‘data-banner-type’, ‘mobile’); document.getElementById(‘ad-mobile-4’).parentNode.appendChild(elem); AdController.render(‘iqadtile4’); if ( window.console typeof === ‘function’ ) {‘AdController ‘ AdController.VERSION ‘ tile 4 mobile’) } } } “Don’t Come to USA”

As a result of this policy, a number of US states are now suing government in Washington. In letter submitted to a federal district court in Seattle, 17 states and government District of Columbia accused government of President Donald Trump of unconstitutional action. It was said that it was driven towards immigrants from Latin America “of hostility and a desire to inflict harm.”

The restrictive line of his Government underlined U.S. Vice president Mike Pence during his Latin American trip. “Don’t put your life and that of your children at risk when trying to get to United States,” he appealed to people of region after meeting Brazilian President Michel Temer in Brasília. “Don’t come if you don’t meet conditions to immigrate legally. Build up your lives in your homeland. “