Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan criticized Israel for his new nation state law and accused country of fascism. “These measures leave no doubt that Israel is zionistischsteest, most fascist and most racist state in world,” Erdoğan said to members of his AKP in Ankara. They n shouted, damn be Israel.

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Last week, Israeli parliament passed by a narrow majority a law defining Israel as “nation-state of Jewish people”. Among or things, Hebrew was declared only national language, while Arabic – so far second official language – received only an unspecified special status. The construction of Jewish communities in Israel will also be particularly encouraged. Arab deputies had already protested during vote in Parliament. In a symbolic act, y burned law that makes m second-class citizens.

Erdoğan said that in his view, “There is no difference between Hitler’s obsession with Aryan race and Israel’s notion that this ancient land belongs to Jews alone.” “The spirit of Hitler, who led world into a great catastrophe, has returned to some of leaders of Israel,” said Erdoğan, who regularly criticises Israel’s policy towards Palestinians and repeatedly chooses to compare fascism. It was not until May that he had compared Israel’s violent action in Gaza Strip with Holocaust.

Netanyahu calls turkey “dark dictatorship”

The nation state law was also criticized by many or States as discriminatory towards Arab minority. About 17.5 percent of Israeli citizens are Arabs. They complain regularly about legal and social disadvantages.

Israel’s head of government Benjamin Netanyahu, however, had referred to law last week as a “crucial moment in history of Israeli state.” The Turkish president’s criticism countered Netanyahu with a counterattack: Turkey is developing into a “dark dictatorship,” said Netanyahu. Erdoğan Massakriere Syrians and Kurds and had tens of thousands of his citizens imprisoned. On or hand, Israel is careful to ensure that all its citizens have equal rights before law governed.