North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Beflapt (CDU) has asked members of three deaths and or victims of hostage drama of Gladbeck for forgiveness. The event marks this Thursday for 30th time. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung said: “It is supreme duty of State to protect its citizens. He did not succeed in this in Gladbeck and in hours reafter under dramatic circumstances. “

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In August 1988, Dieter Degowski and Hans-Jürgen Rösner had taken a bank in Gladbeck to rob and take hostages. This was followed by a dramatic escape from North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen, Lower Saxony and Nerlands. Over long distances, two men with hostages were persecuted by television teams. Thus, citizens of Federal Republic were witnesses of a 54-hour drama, at end of which two hostages and a policeman died. The police had several opportunities to access se days in August, but did not use m in name of a zero-risk strategy.

Flaps criticized that re had never been an apology from state to Gladbeck victims. He sees himself as Prime Minister today in duty “to ask for forgiveness that state 30 years ago did not use all rule of law means to offer victims of this terrible crime protection y had deserved”.

Apology “More than overdue” Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Flapt (CDU) © Federico Gambarini/DPA

The newspaper said that it was “more than overdue” for North Rhine-Westphalia to accept its responsibility. Unlike in Bremen, which has quickly, comprehensively and in cross-party consensus reworked its share of wayward deployment, comparable in NRW has been left out for power tactical reasons.

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The tomb of n 18-year-old Silke Bischoff will visit Lower Saxon Stuhr on Thursday. The assistant prosecutor died in liberation campaign by a bullet of Rösner weapon.