US AußenministerMike Pompeo has been sceptical about Nordkoreasatomare disarmament, as far as rapid progress is concerned. Zwarglaube that US and North Korea were on Monday on a “way forward” for peace after Singapore summit, Ernacheinem said meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Beijing. But he added, “There are still risks that we diesnicht Reach “. There is still “much more work” to do, including VonChina, NordkoreasengstemVerbündeten.

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Chinahabe is once again behind sanctions of UN Security Council against North Korea, said Pompeoweiter. According to will of United States, sanctions should only be eased after einervollständigen denuclearization of North Korea. Wangsagte, summit has helped to “promote and implement denuclearisation of Derkoreanischen Peninsula” and dieRegion to bring about a “lasting” peace.

WenigeStunden Previously, Pompeobei had said to a press conference with his counterparts from South Korea UndJapan in Seoul that North Korea’s leaders Kimseisich “urgency” of denuclearization. Washington is, after us, determined to achieve “complete, verifiable and irreversible” denuclearization of North Korea. Pompeohatte on Wednesday an “extensive disarmament” of North Korea to Jahr2020 spoken. Denuclearization will be “definitely” up to end of Trump’s mandate, he said in Seoul. “We sindhoffnungsvoll that we can achieve this in two and a half years.”

“No more nuclear threat”

AuchTrump had his summit with Kim on Wednesday on Twitter as Erfolggelobtundbetont, from North Korea no longer a “nuclear threat”. His predecessor, Barack Obama, still called North Korea “biggest and most dangerous problem” in United States. No more, “added Trump. “Sleep Nachtgut today!” Kimhatte at summit on Tuesday in Singapore agreed to disarm his country complete nuclear. However, more detailed definitions, a time schedule or control measures were not agreed.

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Kimließ is celebrating on North Korean state television after SeinerBegegnung with Trump as “major world leader”. In a 40-minute review of meeting, Trump habedem North Korean rulers expressed his “respect and endless admiration.”

Trump relativized human rights violations

Derweiläußerte Trump relativierend on SchwerenMenschenrechtsverletzungen in North Korea. “Many or people have done some really bad things. I mean, I könnteviele countries going through where a lot of bad things were done, “Trump said in an interview with Fox News Channel.

Trump also praised Kim as “a very smart guy” and “great negotiator”. “I think we verstehenuns,” said US president. According to Trumps EigenemAußenministerium, North Korea holds between 80,000 and 120,000 political prisoners as forced laborers in camps where y are victimsoftorture starvation.

AuchJapans minister-President Shinzo Abe is now aiming for a into Kim. The government is currently investigating a trip Abe’s to Pyongyang in August, reported newspaper Sankn Shimbun. Kim has shown himself in his deliberations with Trump open for a into Abe. At possible meeting, it should mainly go to question of those Japanese who had been abducted to North Korea.