Saxony’s prime minister, Michael Kretschmer, has taken a position in Chemnitz against riots in extreme right and at same time warned against a conviction of all citizens. “We will ensure that those who have walked through city with a Hitler salute will also be condemned,” said CDU politician. “On or hand, I want to make sure that this city is not under general suspicion,” he said.

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For evening, Kretschmer has been invited to a civil dialogue in stadium of Chemnitz – so-called Saxony conversation. The mayor of Chemnitz, Barbara Ludwig (SPD) will also be present. The conversation with citizens is to be held in premises of stadium. At same time, rights groups want to demonstrate at 6pm before stadium. In front of hall, police of federal government and several countries with about 20 team wagons. It would be third time this week that right-wing extremists gar on streets of Chemnitz. The first two times was police with too few emergency forces on ground.

The area around stadium was closed off, and re were several buses from federal police in afternoon. After massive riots of Sunday and Monday, Free State of Saxony requested assistance. In addition to officials of Federal Police, forces of riot police from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Bavaria, Berlin, Hesse and Thuringia are also arriving – how many will be coming, police did not want to announce for operational tactical reasons.

Chemnitz-Michael Kretschmer condemned publication of arrest warrant warrant of arrest against two suspects who are to have killed a man was published. Saxony’s prime minister, Michael Kretschmer, calls this “shameful.” © Photo: Sebastian Willnow/DPA-Central image/DPA

The violent death of a 35-year-old man from Chemnitz is trigger of riots from beginning of week. According to police, he was involved in a clash of two men’s groups, in course of which knives were also used. The man died on Sunday at hospital. Two suspects, a 22-year-old Iraqi and a 23-year-old Syrian, are in custody. Since Tuesday, a copy of arrest warrant has been heading against one of main suspects. The public prosecutor’s Office Dresden determined, Saxony’s prime minister promised a rapid clarification of illegal publication of document.

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Kretschmer campaigned in Chemnitz for citizens: “Here are decent people who are committed to community.” Here, Germans and migrants would live toger peacefully. To strengn m is goal of his visit. The rule of law must be granted.

Kretschmer, among or things, set off from AfD, whose chairman Jörg Meun sees in critique of events above all a “maßloses Saxony-bashing” and considers migrants a danger. In Saxony, where a new Landtag is elected next year, AfD is second strongest party in polls. The co-chairman Alexander Gaula had expressed his appreciation for freaking demonstrators on Wednesday.

Kretschmer said in Chemnitz: “There are many people who have worries that stir up events of last days.” He is open to dialogue with citizens. This was also said by mayor of Chemnitz, Ludwig: “I think this is best thing you can do right now: Talk directly to those who feel concerned.”