
  • Page 1 — “Sami a. is a case for a Tunisian court”
  • Page 2 — security problems due to returning IS terrorists
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    Sofiène Sliti, spokesman for Prosecutor for terrorism in Tunis, was unimpressed with judgement of Oberverwaltungsgerichtsin Münster. Sami A. Be a Tunisian citizen and stand alone under sovereignty of Tunisian judiciary, he declared on Thursday against time online. “ImAntiterrorgesetz of our country is clearly governed by fact that only Dietunesische justice is responsible for possible acts of terrorism – regardless of wher y were perpetrated innerhalboder outside Tunisia.” If Sami A. Had something to blame, Dasvor will be clarified to a Tunisian court and not in Germany.

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    To date, no official request from German side has been received to extradite Sami a. Jedochsei. Apart from that, re is currently “in legal and practical terms” no way for Sami a. To go back to Germany on his own initiative. An investigation was carried out against him, and his passport had been confiscated abgelaufenund by authorities.

    The Islamicist Sami A., who was classified and deported by German authorities as a danger, was first brought to EinUntersuchungsgefängnis in Tunis on July 13th from Enfidha Airport near Hammamet. After two weeks, he was provisionally free to arrange investigating judge. A short danachangekündigte press conference of 42-year-old toger with his TunesischenAnwalt Seif Eddine Makhlouf was cancelled in short term. Since n Sami A. has disappeared from image, while his defender emphasizes that TunesischeJustiz has nothing in hand against his client.

    The spirit of old regime

    The suspicion that Sami a. had to reckon with torture again at Verhörenoder was rejected by Sofiène Sliti of DerAntiterror prosecutor’s office. “That won’t happen,” he explained. The Tunisian judiciary is independent and such practices are not allowed. However, even if Tunisian side ihrerPolizei disputes over attacks and grievances, human rights organisations still see ErheblicheDefizite. Arbitrary arrests and torture in interrogation were order of day, Amnesty International complained at beginning of 2017 in comprehensive documentation we want an end to fear. People report in text of SchwerenMisshandlungen, electric shocks, sleep deprivation and sexual abuse.

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    Ähnlichurteilte Freedom House. 2017 no major terrorist attacks have happened, but re are still reports “on use of UnverhältnismäßigerGewalt by security forces and over torture,” wrote Dieu’s Democratic guardian. One could no longer speak of a systematic, state policy as under regime of Ben Ali, ErläuterteCamille Henry, an employee of World Organization against Torture (OMCT) Intunis. “But it is a furr stubborn practice.”

    Following serious terrorist attacks of 2015, Tunisia had put in place a state of emergency that einräumtund police with far-reaching powers to promote ir old regime mentality. Thus, in May, in DerKüstenstadt Gabe’s two brors were beaten after visit of a basketball game vonOrdnungshütern so that y lost consciousness, reported liberal Webmagazine Inkyfada. An eyewitness had filmed Vorfallmit on mobile phone, yet re were no investigations against Dieprügelnden officials, nor were y suspended from service.

    Alone, 52 victims 2017meldeten at three Tunisian torture counseling centres of OMCT, who were misshandeltworden at a police, National Guard or prison guard. In last four years, psychologists and social workers derOrganisation 300 affected.