According to a journalist organisation, world correspondent Deniz Yücel complains of compensation for his incarceration in Turkey. Yücel requires a million lira (equivalent to more than 130,000 euros) for his “unlawful imprisonment”, Turkish Department of Organization Reporters without frontiers, shared in Twitter’s short news service. According to this, procedure will begin on 25 September before a court in Istanbul. Yücel will be represented by his lawyer Veysel OK.

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Yücel was released in custody in mid-February after a year and has travelled to Germany. Because of his articles, journalist is accused of sedition and terror propaganda. Even after his release, proceedings continue against him, and next hearing is scheduled for 20 December. Yücel and his supporters regard accusations as politically motivated.

The case has massively burdened German-Turkish relationship, and relationship has recently eased somewhat. Only last week, German translator and journalist Meşale Tolu was able to leave, who had also spent several months in custody last year. According to federal Foreign Office, even after Yücels release, seven German citizens still sit in custody in Turkey for political reasons. In addition, many Turkish journalists are still in Turkish prisons.