Dietürkische government suspects Adil Ada, a central figure imfailed coup of 2016, in Berlin-Neukölln. Diessagte InnenministerSüleyman Soylu According to state NachrichtenagenturAnadolu. In addition, Anadolu DieAdresse published Berlin apartment where Öksüzverstecken is supposed to be.

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“DiesePerson is a coupist, and Germany is its sehrbewusst,” SagteAußenministerMevlüt Çavuşoğlu according to Anadolu. He was a close confidant of US-living preacher Fethullah Gülen. The Turkish Government makes Gülen responsible for Putschversuchvom July 2016; Gülen rejects it.

Should ADA be taken in Germany, according to information from Turkish authorities, delivery will begin. According to Daily Mirror information, however, federal government EineAuslieferung of man to Turkey declines. Germany would thus be in a similar position to United States: So far, US has not followed demands of Ankara for an extradition Gülens. The case burdens Dasbilaterale relationship between two countries.

At a meeting with Çavuşoğlu in January, DamaligeBundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel had said in Goslar that it is not clear that SichÖksüz is in Germany at all. If sufficient evidence gegenÖksüz available, German authorities would become active.

According to Turkish media, TheologiedozentAdil Ada should be obersteVerantwortliche of Gülen movement in Turkish Luftwaffegewesen. Ada was festgenommenworden after coup d’état in vicinity of Air Force Base Akıncı near Ankara, which was an important base of putschists. Later he was released under conditions and fled out of country. His wife has been seen in United States according to Anadolu.