In dispute between Union parties on asylum policy in Germany, deputy CDU chairman Armin Tab asked to resolve conflict quickly. In daily mes of ARD, prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia warned on Monday evening that dispute strengns political extremes. Instead of confrontation, objective solutions would have to be sought.

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The deadline of two weeks, to which CSU and Chancellor had agreed on a European solution, could not be described as an ultimatum: “There is no” ultimates “, said Flap. “One represents CDU of Germany KeineUltimaten and it is Chancellor KeineUltimaten.” He is convinced that “results can be achieved” in discussions with European partners. The CDU politician Stephan Harbarth also advocated giving Angela Merkel enough time. At moment “certainly not on two or three weeks”.

On Monday, CSU agreed to two-week period proposed by Angela Merkel, in which Chancellor intends to make bilateral arrangements with or EU countries to deal with asylum seekers. On Monday evening, Merkel met with new Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, and on Tuesday she wants to speak with France’s president Emmanuel Macron. On 28 and 29 June an EU summit will take place, on 1 July CDU leaders will discuss solutions. If no agreement can be reached by n, CSU, under leadership of federal interior Minister and party chief Horst Seehofer, is planning to reject refugees who are already registered in anor EU country at German borders – if necessary also in National single-handedly. Arrangements for this are to be made already now. Merkel expressly rejects this procedure. With a reference to her policy competence, CDU chief indirectly threatened to slow down Seehofer’s plans.

Bavarian minister-President Markus Söder (CSU) again supported Seehofer and demanded “definitive solutions”. He doubted that se could be found at EU summit: “We do not believe that European solutions will come about within two weeks – that has not worked for three years.” A common European rule should not be put back on long bank. Germany does not need “bogus solutions, but real border guards”. If no agreement is reached at summit, from CSU’s point of view, “Of course an automatism”, said Söder, and also contradicted Chancellor’s attitude.

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Katrin Göring-Eckardt, group leader of Greens, fordertedie federal government to publish Seehofer’s plans for asylum law. “That no one knows this so-called ‘ master plan ‘ is a scandal,” she said Spark Media group. The FDP politician Marco Buschmann described EU summit as “fateful Day” at end of June and demanded a subsequent government declaration.