
  • Page 1 — joint declaration of Trump and Kim
  • Page 2 — English original statement
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    Donald Trump, president of United States, and Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s rulers, signed a joint declaration at ir meeting in Singapore. Reuters news agency has translated letter:

    President Donald J. Trump of United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of Commission fürStaatsangelegenheiten of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a first historic summit in Singapore on June 12, 2018.

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    President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un führteneinen comprehensive, in-depth and aufrichtigenMeinungsaustausch on issues relating to decleansing of new relations between United States of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Building a durable and robust peace regime on Derkoreanischen Peninsula. President Trump pledged to give DerDVRK security guarantees, and chairman Kim Jong-Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of Korean peninsula.

    Convinced that creation of new relations between will contribute to United States and DPRK to peace and prosperity of Derkoreanischen peninsula and world, and dassgegenseitige confidence building can promote denuclearisation of Derkoreanischen Peninsula, President Trumpund, Chairman Kim Jong-un, explained following:

    1. The United States and DPRK undertake to establish new relations between United States and DerDemokratischen People’s Republic of Korea in accordance with desire of peoples of both countries for peace and prosperity.

    2. The United States and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will use joint efforts to create a permanent and stable peace regime on Derkoreanischen Peninsula.

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    3. In confirmation of Panmunjom declaration of 27 April 2018verpflichtet DPRK to work on a vollständigeEntnuklearisierung of Korean peninsula.

    4. The United States and DPRK undertake to repatriate remains of prisoners of war and missing persons, including immediate Repatriierungderer that have already been identified.

    Recognizing that summit between United States and DPRK – first in history – was a epochal Ereignisvon of great importance, overcoming decades-long Spannungenund hostilities between two countries, opening up new future, , President Trump and chairman Kim Jong Un undertake to implement provisions in Diesergemeinsamen declaration in full and swiftly. Over states and DPRK undertake to hold Zumfrühestmöglichen date by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a follow-up negotiation conducted DPRK results of US to implement summit, led by UN’s senior DPRK official.

    President Donald J. Trump of United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of Commission fürStaatsangelegenheiten of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have committed mselves to development of neuerBeziehungen between United States and DPRK and to cooperate in DerFörderung of peace, prosperity and security of Korean peninsula and world.

    June 12th, 2018

    Sentosa Island