In all foresight, it will be a historic day in Spain: Head of Government Mariano Rajoy threatens to elect to resign from office. The Socialists (PSOE) have applied for a vote against 63-year-old in parliament, and most likely y have necessary majority to actually overthrow Rajoy with vote. MEPs must vote at same time for a candidate presented by PSOE, who would have to form a new government. This candidate is Socialist chief Pedro Sánchez.

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Parliament’s meeting started on Friday morning, vote is scheduled to start at 11 a.m. If Sánchez wins, he would automatically be a new head of government. He has already announced that he wants to set up a reelection at a later date.

Rajoy was defeated in morning before parliament. “It was an honour for me to have been head of government of Spain,” he said to deputies. He was also honored to leave a better Spain than he found it. He thanked all his employees. He also wanted to be first to congratulate his potential successor Sánchez later.

Last week it looked as if required majority was not to be reached against Rajoy. But on Thursday Basque Nationalist Party announced that it would vote for censure. The required absolute majority of 176 MEPs is now considered probable, because left-wing Alliance Unidos Podemos, which has 67 seats, and several regional parties – including crisis region of Catalonia – want to vote against Rajoy.

The Liberal Party Ciudadanos, which so far supported minority government of Rajoy, does not want to vote for censure. However, it urges Prime minister to resign and calls for elections.

The Socialists had introduced constructive censure in response to court rulings in corruption affair around Rajoys Conservative Party pp. The national criminal Court had condemned party last week for involvement in scandal of a fine of 245,000 euros. Several former party members received some long-term prison sentences.

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If Rajoy loses, he would be first Spanish head of government to be overthrown by a vote. Rajoy had repeatedly ruled out a resignation because of corruption scandal. When rumor circulated, Rajoy could declare his resignation before vote, this was rejected by Secretary-General of his PP: “That would not be in general interest of Spain or in interest of PP, which in this case go hand in hand,” said María Dolores de Cospedal.

Rajoy himself described Socialists ‘ request as “bad for Spain and bad for Spaniards”. The request only create uncertainty, head of government said. The Socialists would have made request at an extremely difficult moment for country. The only goal is to bring PSOE chef Pedro Sánchez to power at all costs. Sánchez was not wanted by people, because he lost several elections as top candidate of Socialists.

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You can read more about corruption scandal in Spanish conservatives here.