Three weeks after having been summoned to the Elysée and have launched in the wake of a series of consultations, Emmanuel Macron will unveil Wednesday afternoon, the employers ‘ organisations and trade unions of the trade-offs that it expects to take on a range of employment-related topics. The social partners expect to ad concrete of the head of State on the new formula of partial unemployment, the revision of the current rules of unemployment insurance, vocational training, youth employment, or adaptation to the crisis of the rules of work, detached from employees. Five important topics in this period of crisis unprecedented magnitude, which have been the subject of multiple meetings since June 8, with Muriel Pénicaud to the ministry of Labour.

see also : La France va-t-it really remove at least 800,000 jobs?

Wednesday at the end of this new interview, the social partners are hoping, in particular, be attached to the new device of reduced activity for continued employment (a Weapon) which will enter into force for businesses still affected by the crisis or on the new rules for partial unemployment instead of those that are unusual, exceptional, implemented since the beginning of march. The expectations are also great on the abandonment of the reform Macron unemployment insurance, imposed on all last fall and most of the measures have just been suspended. A bonus at hiring for the youth could also be announced – or, failing that, an exemption from the social contributions – to encourage employers to recruit less than 25 years.

there is an urgency to act: in the space of two months, the number of job seekers in category A to Pole employment has jumped by more than a million people. Never seen that before. And it’s a safe bet that the figures in the month of may, announced Thursday noon by the statistics directorate of the ministry of Labour, are equally catastrophic. If this is no more. Agencies, job center, which has reopened to the public in July, without making an appointment with an advisor, will be hard to do…

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