The Hessian police just experienced a Déjà-vu. And in the same several ways. Again, the suspicion is in the room, officials from their own ranks to be involved could Drohschreiben that have been signed with “NSU 2.0” sent. Two years ago, you were sent to the Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz, this time to the Left-the Deputy Janine Wissler.

Before the Letter was received, were used to retrieve the personal data from a police computer. Not to wrong the police unions view the development with concern. As a “poison” referred to the suspicion that police officers could be involved in such misdeeds. The letters “NSU 2.0” are the extremist Form of what is accused to the police, in the meantime, from many Parts of the society: latent racism. That not from one to the other is closed may be, should be, of course. In any case, if you listen to the police, the horror in the face of dire accusations and shame feel.

A personal statement?

But this is the only aspect in the whole of the NSU-2.0-complex reminiscent of earlier times. Again, the Ministry of the interior against the state. And one wonders: Is due to this struggle is in fact a technical error. Or is he at the end, rather, a personal statement?

Who is unwavering in the belief in the safety authorities, tends to the Latter. Because the relationship between the Minister of the interior, and the LKA-President have long cooled. Probably also because the authorities boss Sabine Thurau is considered to be someone who you can’t dictate. Certainly not from the policy. If it is true that the state police was informed of the Bureau as a direct anchor authority of the interior Ministry in March about the suspicious computer query, the Minister says now, however, he knew of nothing, then a whole other issue of Trust: namely, in his own house.