At the Opera square will be in the next week, a kind of curfew ends. The city of Frankfurt and the police of the situation want to be on the “Party Hotspot” in front of the Old Opera again Mr. From midnight to place on the Opera in the future, a prohibition, a clock, the space must be completely empty. In addition, there will be, in the words of security, head of Department Markus Frank strengthened controls, also in terms of the amount of alcohol that is brought to the open-air Party.

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Daniel Meuren

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

“We want to get to meet the people,” said Frank, after a safety call in the Romans, to which the leaders of the city and the police met with police President Gerhard Bereswill at the top in the morning. “But the measures will apply from now on.”

“the judiciary must support the police,”

Against the persons who come from the countryside, and as the rioters are noticed, should be imposed the travel restrictions. Thus, you should not stop over a period of several weeks in Frankfurt. Also for the Frankfurter among the offenders is considered to find the legal instruments that do not stop in the next few weeks, on the Opera square. Ultimately, the judiciary should decide whether such a ban is legitimate.

In his remarks, Frank criticized indirectly the judiciary, he presented subliminally, and not sufficiently dissuasive against acts of violence, such as on the weekend, so the Throwing of bottles at police, Destroying panes at bus stops, or even the Umtreten of trash cans, proceed. “I wish the justice that you a Signal. The judiciary should not talk about small, what happened that night. The judiciary must support the police.“

Berewill sees “sword of Damocles”

police President Bereswill sees the attacks against the police, meanwhile, also in the context of the General mood: aggravated by racism allegations and the Drohmail affair around the letters NSU 2.0 directed aggression is always targeted against the officials. He said it was “painful” for the police. The Frankfurt police, had to hide their work.

The allegations, which the police were increasingly subjected to, “float like a sword of Damocles hanging over one”. Just the accusation of racism and police violence, however, is “very flat and undifferentiated”.

“CVS closer

Frank look at” called for following the safety talk, that, during the investigation, the CVS of the persons arrested would have to be looked at. It was “important to know where someone is coming from, how someone grew up. If you want to investigate, you need to ask these questions.“