A thinning in the sky although dark in air transport. Closed since march 31, Orly airport is going to restart his / her activity next Friday. “As early as 26 June, 25 links will be open to Orly (…). At the beginning of the month of July, we should have 130 flights per day instead of 650 usually “, explained to the Sunday Newspaper Augustin de Romanet, CEO of ADP, which manages in particular the hub airports of Roissy and Orly airports. But this good news cannot make us forget the turmoil in which airlines are dives. With a crisis that will last for years. “The air traffic could return to the level of 2019 between 2023 and 2025 “, he says. So, ADP is going to have to adapt its costs to the new situation. “We will have to make adjustments of the same nature as those of the airlines,” says his boss. In the clear, remove job number.

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British Airways wants to separate themselves from 12,000 employees. Air France say the 3 July the social partners how many thousands of jobs, the crisis is going to cost the company. If ADP is going to follow the same path, this is because the economic situation is very tense. This year, the traffic at its airports will be down by 60% compared to 2019. “We’re going to lose more than 50 % of our turnover, which could be reduced by about 2.5 billion euros,” acknowledged Augustin de Romanet.

The shock wave also reaches the aerospace industry. In a letter revealed by The Tribune on Saturday, the chief executive officer of Airbus, Guillaume Faury, promises to be a difficult aftermath to the 140,000 employees of the group : “the scale of the crisis of the Covid-19 for our sector requires Airbus to adapt, he wrote. This adaptation in fact means a significant reduction in the format of our company (…). It forces us to decisions bitter. “The details of this plan should be outlined before the end of July. American Boeing has already announced at the end of April, the removal of 10 % of its staff, and 16,000 jobs. Their canadian counterpart Bombardier foresees the disappearance of 2500 posts.

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