Nearly 18,000 jobs lost… It is the price paid to the Covid-19 by the wine industry in South Africa, the largest in the world, which employs 300,000 people. During their nine weeks of confinement, South Africans have been high and dry: the right to purchase alcohol. Thus, accidents and crime have fallen, relieving the hospitals who had to prepare for the influx of patients for the coronavirus.

see also : Coronavirus: South Africa fear being overwhelmed

But it plunged the wine growers in the crisis. And the rush of consumers to the dive bottle since the partial lifting of the ban in early June – the sale remaining prohibited from Friday to Sunday – not enough to heal his wounds. “It is estimated that the long-term up to eighty of our caves are going to close,” says Maryna Calow, a spokesman for the organization Wines of South Africa, which ensures the promotion of local wines. The blow was all the more severe that for six weeks, the authorities had also banned foreign sales. “We are the only country in the world where exports of wine were not allowed,” growls Boyce, Lloyd, CEO of KWV, one of the major producers.

In countries such as Canada, Sweden, Finland, the years south africans have gone very quickly rays. And may not find their way back soon. The international buyers are now cautious and are looking for wines from other countries “in case there would be again a problem” in South Africa, says Boyce, Lloyd, who feared that the decisions of the government affect the supply chain for years to come.

The editorial team conseilleCoronavirus: in South Africa, food distribution giant to confined the most démunisAccusé of spreading the coronavirus, an Alsatian charged with attempted murder in Africa of the SudSujetsAfrique Of the SudCoronavirusFilières Viticoles3 commentaireschristianLLle 22/06/2020 02:33

also they have nullity to the government. Welcome.

guillaumeguillaume2le 21/06/2020 23:26

Finally, leaders who seem to be as spoiled as ours

anonymous 27029le 21/06/2020 22:28

Dive bottle c ‘is what?????
“eighty of our caves are going to close” on how much ???? The journalism level 0. You can search on google in the gaps of Anne B.

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