After almost three months in the home office, many Germans have again pleasure in the office – so it shows at least an international survey of the communications consultancy Kekst, CNC, the possession of the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper. In six countries the people have not been asked what they prevented it, to the office. In France, the UK, Sweden, the United States and in Japan, half of the respondents answered in each case at least with “the fear of the Virus”.

Just in Germany it was different: The most common answer was here “, There are no significant obstacles”, even if only around 36 percent. The request to the home office no longer seems to be particularly pronounced: Only 18 percent of Germans cited as an obstacle to the return that you wanted to work from home – much less than in the other countries.

This is not to say, however, that the Germans never wanted to go back to the home office. Regardless of your current Situation, however, more than 70 percent of Germans want a total of that home work is generally more common. The desire for more flexible working hours, with 77 percent approval even greater. Also the skepticism about the globalization breaks in to the survey, rail: 76 percent wish that more products are produced in Germany. 61 percent wish that more products are bought from Germany.