looks Who’s from the airport, Dumdum in the direction of the major Indian city of Calcutta on the road, along the road signs with the images of important personalities of Bengal. The Incoming should be faced from the beginning of their stay with the claim to Bengal, to have the cultural and also political history of India decisively influenced. Since the faces of Rabindranath Tagore, by Aurobindo Ghose, lined up by Subhash Chandra Bose, mother Teresa and Amartya Sen – a poet, a mystic, a political revolutionary, an icon of charity and of the economist and philosopher. The latter, of the Sen, is today eighty-six years old, Amartya, is the only one still alive among them. And he is in his people as a “living legend”.

Not insignificantly contributes to Sens direct relationship to the Bengali Father Tagore, will lead this proud series always. Sen’s mother Amita participated in the dance dramas of the poet under whose direction. She spent her entire life in Santiniketan, the home of Tagore’s 150 kilometres North of Calcutta, where he founded his school and a University. Amita’s father Kshiti Mohan Sen was one of the closest companions of the poet. His grandson, Amartya received this name, “the Immortal”, by Tagore.

Amartya Sen has taken Tagore’s liberal, anti-nationalist, international unifying Ethos of Santiniketan in our modern world. As a “public intellectual”, as the Indian historian Uma has referred to The Gupta him, he defends the Ideals of Tagore’s until our days. He has, other than Tagore himself, not with the literary and emotional-visionary means done, but by those of the economic science and rigorous philosophy in the sense of a devotion to the spirit of the Modern.

From Tagore’s school

in a Straight line aimed Amartya addition to the Sen first of all, in the world Of Tagore’s school in Santiniketan coming, he went to the University of Calcutta, then the leap to Cambridge immediately came up to Trinity College, he should remain a life-long connected. Later on, Sen moved to Harvard University, where he teaches today, and the center of his life has.

A permanent, traumatic impression was the “Bengal Famine”, the Bengal famine in 1943, which he witnessed as a child. Amartya Sen was later scientifically, that it was man-made, that enough food would have been available to supply the population, but problems of Distribution, systemic injustice, and political machinations were responsible for the starvation of three million people. The time of his academic career, he has dealt with his homeland of India, with whose welfare Economics and standard of living, the Problem of local poverty and the fight against it. He remained an Indian citizen, in spite of the resulting inconvenience while traveling.

In his 2005 published Essay “The Argumentative Indian” describes Amartya Sen in short sentences, the complex Situation in his country. Although the IT industry has created in South India, the most modern economic centers such as Bangalore and Hyderabad, not going this alone will solve the persistent poverty and deep-seated inequality in India: “The very poor in India get a small – and basically indirect – slice of the cake that information technology and related developments generate. The abolition of poverty, especially extreme poverty, is in need of a larger part of the growth in all areas. This is not easy to achieve, considering the obstacles that illiteracy, poor health, uncompleted land reforms and other causes of sharp social inequality.“