go out As a criminal case against the columnist for the “daily newspaper”, which has been compared in the past week, officers with garbage, would? Possible criminal offence, insult and incitement to hatred are stocks. An insult is already fulfilled by the mere proclamation of defiance or disrespect. This applies to groups but only if they can be delimitated on the basis of external characteristics of other people. The “police as such,” considered the higher regional court of Düsseldorf as not sufficiently substantiated. A collective insult was answered in the affirmative, provided a locally and personally, identifiable group is meant to be.

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In assessing whether the act is unlawful, also the freedom of the press to the weight. It is about what a court of the objection holds that it was Satire. The same questions arise in the case of the incitement to hatred: It is a criminal offence to incite against an Individual because of his membership in a group to hatred, as well as the human dignity of others be more Mature suit that a group or parts of the population insulted, maliciously, contemptuously or slandered made. Here are the requirements to the term of the group are lower than for the insult. Decisive of the basic right of freedom of the press is again.