The Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen have attacked, according to media reports, the deep Saudi-Arabia-located targets. It was a “large-scale attack,” reported on Tuesday, the TV channel Al-Masirah, which is close to the Houthi movement. A spokesman for the Houthi forces will Express themselves in the course of the day. The Saudi Arabia-led Sunni Alliance against the Houthi stated, you have one of the rebels fired a ballistic missile was intercepted, had the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, to the target. A Reuters witness in Riyadh heard early in the Morning, two loud explosions and clouds of smoke saw in the sky above the city.

Three missiles, the Houthi had been intercepted in the South of Saudi Arabia, said a spokesman for the Alliance of the state-owned Saudi news Agency SPA said. The rockets had been fired at the cities of Najran and Dschisan on the border with the Yemen. On Monday evening a number of armed drones had been destroyed, which would have also had Saudi Arabia to the target.

After the end of a six-week ceasefire in may, which had been agreed in the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, the violence between the two sides increased. For the past five years, the Saudi Arabia-led Alliance fighting the Houthi, behind Iran, in Yemen. There, the rebels had the end of 2014, the Saudi Arabia supported the internationally recognized President Abd-Rabbu Mansur Hadi brought down, whom they accuse of corruption and mismanagement.