Lewis Hamilton was on the road on Sunday. In London, walking in the direction of Hyde Park. He demonstrated, with the triangle of cloth in front of the mouth, sunglasses on the nose, cap on his head, in a T-Shirt with the inscription: “Black is a vibe” – black is a mood. In the hands on one of the pictures, which he spread then on Instagram, a cardboard sign. Inscription: BLACK LIVES MATTER. On a other stretches, the six-time formula 1 world champion, the fist in the air.

Christoph Becker

sports editor.

F. A. Z. Twitter

On Sunday 100 days since the violent death of an emergency medical technician Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky passed. She was at 13. March, in her apartment of eight bullets from police weapons have been taken. Lewis Hamilton posted her portrait, which had disseminated the magazine “Rolling Stone”, with the Information that those who have ended Taylor’s life, do not be still detained. In the weeks before the formula 1 in Austria to record the season shortly before the Start of the 13,. March was interrupted, in Melbourne, to the Breonna Taylor died on the other side of the earth, dedicated to Hamilton the active social Protest.

Already, three weeks ago he had complained of racism in formula 1: “I see you, you have to mute some of the biggest Stars, but her remains silent in the midst of the injustice. (…) There is no Signal of anyone in my industry, which, of course, a White-dominated Sport. I (…) am alone.“ On Sunday it sounded on Instagram again, when he addressed to the colleagues: “Your Silence is still deafening. Maybe you’re not racist in your Silence, but we need you as ANTI-racists. (…) It is our concern that you are moving out of your comfort zone and supported us by anti-racist are and let the people know on which side her in this battle.“

he had Previously announced in the “Sunday Times”, with the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Commission, the non-white school-leavers and the way in engineering, mathematics, and technology courses to facilitate. The goal: to make formula 1 “as diverse as the complex and multi-cultural world in which we live”.

Hamilton, 35 years old, is the best, most successful, highest-paid driver in his racing series, whose appearance is shaped by and through a number of successful European engineers, marketers, team leaders and pilots. Hamilton is not only due to its success is an exception, but also because of his skin color. He has always picked up again social and political issues in the past few years, but none touched his identity in the same way as white racism. In recent years, in which the exorbitant price of the seriously run Junior Kart racing is to become a criterion for exclusion, have limited the circle of those who bring enough money to get a Motorsport career with the long-term goal of formula 1, more. This Sport has become richer and thus more likely to still be white.